
Game Theory Explorer: Build, explore and solve extensive form games. (Non-Google-App-Engine verison, uses Jetty directly)

Primary LanguageJava


1. Install Java SDK (not just JRE) 
	1.1 Download - http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/
	1.2 Add bin directory to path
	1.3 Add JAVA_HOME environment variable (makes sure it points to the SDK, not JRE)
	$ sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk
        ===OS X===
        OS X 10.6 and 10.7 with a Java SDK suitable for gte.  
        Confirm you have the latest version by running "Software update..." from the Apple menu.
2. Install Apache Ant
	2.1 Download archive - http://ant.apache.org/
	2.2 Add bin directory to path	
	2.3 Add ANT_HOME environment variable (might not be necessary)
	$ sudo apt-get install ant
        ===OS X===
        OS X 10.6 and 10.7 ships with ant (in /usr/bin/ant).
3. Install Adobe Flex SDK (NOT Open Source Flex SDK) 
	3.1 Download archive - http://opensource.adobe.com/wiki/display/flexsdk/Download+Flex+4	
	3.2 Add bin directory to PATH (.bashrc in Linux, System->Advanced->Environment Variables in Windows)	

3b. Install "gflashplayer"
        No action required.
	3b.1 cd ${FLEX_HOME}/runtimes/player/10.1/lnx
	3b.2 tar -zxvf flashplayerdebugger.tar.gz
	3b.3 ln -s ./flashplayerdebugger ./gflashplayer
	3b.4 Add directory from [3b.1] to PATH
	NOTE: under Arch Linux this didn't work and an additional install
	of the flashplugin via pacman was required.
        ===OS X===
        In ${FLEX_HOME}/runtimes/player/10.1/mac there is a DMG file,
        "Install Adobe Flash Player Debugger 10.1.dmg".
        Double-click in Finder to mount the disk image, which contains
        an installer, "Install Adobe Flash Player Debugger".  Double-click
        the installer to run.
        If you have Adobe Flash Player newer than 10.1 installed, the
        installer will complain and terminate.  In this instance, the
        Flash Player Debugger.app is also present in the folder.
        Double-click to unzip, and drag the application the the
        Applications folder (or wherever you want to put it).

We no longer use the Google AppEngine. Instead we use Jetty. 
OLD: 4. Install the Google AppEngine SDK (for Java)
OLD: 4.1 Download archive - http://code.google.com/appengine/downloads.html
OLD: 4.2 Add bin directory to PATH (see [3])	

4. Install Jetty
   wget http://download.eclipse.org/jetty/$JETTY_VERSION/dist/jetty-distribution-$JETTY_VERSION.tar.gz
   tar xfz jetty-distribution-$JETTY_VERSION.tar.gz

5. Update build.properties file for your environment
	5.1 Update FLEX_HOME with root directory of Flex SDK (not bin)
	OLD: 5.2 Update GAE_HOME with root directory of Google AppEngine SDK (not bin)
    5.2 Update JETTY_HOME to full path of Jetty (jetty-distribution-$JETTY_VERSION)
    5.3 (Windows only) Make sure to switch all path separators from "\" to "/"


Open terminal:
$ cd <project root directory> (location of this README)
$ ant
You should see the build.xml script being executed.

OLD: After building:
OLD: $ cd build
OLD: $ dev_appserver.sh gte
OLD: The server should now be running at http://localhost:8080/


III.a. Copy application to Jetty's default location
	($JETTY_HOME is defined in Step 4)

$ cp -r <project root directory>/build/gte $JETTY_HOME/webapps

III.b. Start Jetty with 

$ java -jar start.jar

The server should now be running at http://localhost:8080/gte

OLD: From build dir:
OLD: $ appcfg.sh gte
OLD: (currently requires megesdal's credentials... 
OLD: send email to megesdal@gmail.com to request a deployment)