
Android external keyboard remapping without root.

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Android external keyboard remapping without root https://exkeymo.herokuapp.com/ (NOT AVAILABLE ANYMORE - you'll have to run ExKeyMo locally to create an APK with your custom layout or use a prebuilt APK).

Need more than two layouts? https://github.com/ris58h/custom-keyboard-layout

Prebuilt APKs

Run locally


  • Java (17 or higher).


Clone via Git:

git clone git@github.com:ris58h/exkeymo-web.git

Or download zip.


./mvnw clean install


java -jar target/exkeymo-web-*-jar-with-dependencies.jar

To run on a specific port use server.port system property:

java -Dserver.port=PORT_NUMBER -jar target/exkeymo-web-*-jar-with-dependencies.jar


If you do not have Java installed, you can run the app with Docker Compose. Use the docker-compose or docker compose command, depending on which one is installed:

docker compose up app

Next, browse to http://localhost:6789 to access the application.

If you want to get a public URL, obtain ngrok credentials, edit the .env file (NGROK_AUTHTOKEN=…), and run ngrok using the following command:

docker compose run --rm --interactive --service-ports ngrok

Ngrok will print the public tunnel, so you can simply browse to it!


Visit http://localhost/. Documentation page http://localhost/docs.html.