

android的UI是线程不安全的,如果试图在子现场中访问UI,呵呵,你会看到这句很亲切的言语: "Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare()",解决这个异常很简单,只要在当前的线程中创建Looper或者在主线程(UI线程)创建Handler即可。



  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {  
        new Thread(new Runnable() {  
            public void run() {  
                Handler handler = new Handler();  


     * Use the {@link Looper} for the current thread with the specified callback interface
     * and set whether the handler should be asynchronous.
     * Handlers are synchronous by default unless this constructor is used to make
     * one that is strictly asynchronous.
     * Asynchronous messages represent interrupts or events that do not require global ordering
     * with respect to synchronous messages.  Asynchronous messages are not subject to
     * the synchronization barriers introduced by {@link MessageQueue#enqueueSyncBarrier(long)}.
     * @param callback The callback interface in which to handle messages, or null.
     * @param async If true, the handler calls {@link Message#setAsynchronous(boolean)} for
     * each {@link Message} that is sent to it or {@link Runnable} that is posted to it.
     * @hide
    public Handler(Callback callback, boolean async) {
            final Class<? extends Handler> klass = getClass();
            if ((klass.isAnonymousClass() || klass.isMemberClass() || klass.isLocalClass()) &&
                    (klass.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) == 0) {
                Log.w(TAG, "The following Handler class should be static or leaks might occur: " +

        mLooper = Looper.myLooper();
        if (mLooper == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                "Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare()");
        mQueue = mLooper.mQueue;
        mCallback = callback;
        mAsynchronous = async;

如果英语好的童鞋可以看看那方法上面的一大推解释,英语不好不要看了,越看越不懂,呵呵,直接看这句就可以了 mLooper = Looper.myLooper();mLooper在Handler.java中是这样声明的 final Looper mLooper; Looper.myLooper()方法获取了一个Looper对象,如果Looper对象为空,则会抛出那句话了。

接下来我们继续深入看看Looper.myLooper(),咳,一入源码深似海 从此小七是猿人......

     * Return the Looper object associated with the current thread.  Returns
     * null if the calling thread is not associated with a Looper.
    public static @Nullable Looper myLooper() {
        return sThreadLocal.get();


  // sThreadLocal.get() will return null unless you've called prepare().
  static final ThreadLocal<Looper> sThreadLocal = new ThreadLocal<Looper>();

卧槽,那个写注释的也太好人了 sThreadLocal.get() will return null unless you've called prepare().,Looper的对象为null是因为没有调用 Looper.prepare(),等下我们在瞧瞧注释说的是不是真的。(你丫见过注释是假的吗?)


 * Implements a thread-local storage, that is, a variable for which each thread
 * has its own value. All threads share the same {@code ThreadLocal} object,
 * but each sees a different value when accessing it, and changes made by one
 * thread do not affect the other threads. The implementation supports
 * {@code null} values.
 * @see java.lang.Thread
 * @author Bob Lee
public class ThreadLocal<T> {

这是个泛型类,作者Bob Lee 的注释中说 实现一个线程本地的存储,每个线程中的变量有它自己的值,所有的线程共享相同的ThreadLocal对象,但是 每看到一个不同的值去访问它,更改的线程不会影响其他线程。(对,我翻译的就是这样了,bob lee 如果误解了你的意思,我只能说抱歉,啊哈哈) 如果你看得懂我翻译的,麻烦告诉我下,这是什么鬼?


   final ThreadLocal<String> threadLocal = new ThreadLocal<>();

        new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                Log.i("threadLocal", "value---->" + threadLocal.get());

        Log.i("threadLocal", "value---->" + threadLocal.get());


12-05 18:11:41.101 4239-4291/com.small7.demo I/threadLocal: value---->小七
12-05 18:11:41.101 4239-4239/com.small7.demo I/threadLocal: value---->cjj


当我们不给TheadLocal设置值的时候,就返回null(不信,自己去试试),那我们看看他是怎样赋值的,有get就一定要set吧,没赋值,也就获取不到吧。 然后,我们看看ThreaLocal的set()方法

     * Sets the value of this variable for the current thread. If set to
     * {@code null}, the value will be set to null and the underlying entry will
     * still be present.
     * @param value the new value of the variable for the caller thread.
    public void set(T value) {
        Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
        Values values = values(currentThread);
        if (values == null) {
            values = initializeValues(currentThread);
        values.put(this, value);


   * Gets Values instance for this thread and variable type.
  Values values(Thread current) {
      return current.localValues;
   * Normal thread local values.
  ThreadLocal.Values localValues;


   * Per-thread map of ThreadLocal instances to values.
  static class Values {

       * Size must always be a power of 2.
      private static final int INITIAL_SIZE = 16;
       * Map entries. Contains alternating keys (ThreadLocal) and values.
       * The length is always a power of 2.
      private Object[] table;


我们继续看看ThreaLocal的set()方法的下面几句代码Values values = values(currentThread);这句获取到了Values对象,如果Values对象为空,则 初始化它 if (values == null) {values = initializeValues(currentThread);} 可以进去看看初始化的方法

     * Creates Values instance for this thread and variable type.
    Values initializeValues(Thread current) {
        return current.localValues = new Values();

现在我们来到了最关键的一步: values.put(this, value); 进去看代码...

         * Sets entry for given ThreadLocal to given value, creating an
         * entry if necessary.
        void put(ThreadLocal<?> key, Object value) {

            // Keep track of first tombstone. That's where we want to go back
            // and add an entry if necessary.
            int firstTombstone = -1;

            for (int index = key.hash & mask;; index = next(index)) {
                Object k = table[index];

                if (k == key.reference) {
                    // Replace existing entry.
                    table[index + 1] = value;

                if (k == null) {
                    if (firstTombstone == -1) {
                        // Fill in null slot.
                        table[index] = key.reference;
                        table[index + 1] = value;

                    // Go back and replace first tombstone.
                    table[firstTombstone] = key.reference;
                    table[firstTombstone + 1] = value;

                // Remember first tombstone.
                if (firstTombstone == -1 && k == TOMBSTONE) {
                    firstTombstone = index;




    * Returns the value of this variable for the current thread. If an entry
    * doesn't yet exist for this variable on this thread, this method will
    * create an entry, populating the value with the result of
    * {@link #initialValue()}.
    * @return the current value of the variable for the calling thread.
   public T get() {
       // Optimized for the fast path.
       Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
       Values values = values(currentThread);
       if (values != null) {
           Object[] table = values.table;
           int index = hash & values.mask;
           if (this.reference == table[index]) {
               return (T) table[index + 1];
       } else {
           values = initializeValues(currentThread);

       return (T) values.getAfterMiss(this);

前两句代码和set()是一样的,然后就是判断Values是否为空,如果是就初始化,上文已经给出它是怎么初始化出一个Values对象的了,如果不为空就从 Values里的table数组获取。
