
RCS-e stack for Android with GSMA API

Primary LanguageJava


RCS-e stack for Android with GSMA API RCS-e stack for Android with GSMA API

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The RCS-e stack is an open source implementation of the Rich Communication Suite standards for Google Android platform. This implementation is compliant to GSMA RCS-e Blackbird standards. Thanks to its client/server API, the stack may be easily integrated with existing native Android applications (e.g. address book, dialer) and permits to create new RCS applications (e.g. chat, widgets).

##About RCS, Rich Communication Suite:

The Rich Communication Suite Initiative is a GSM Association programme dedicated to deliver convergent rich communication services. RCS should be the first set of services using IMS architecture in the mobile field. "joyn" is the commercial name of RCS.

See also the RCS website at GSM Association, http://www.gsma.com/rcs/.

The RCS specifications (product, technical, API, Guidelines) are available at http://www.gsma.com/network2020/rcs/specs-and-product-docs/.

Note: the supported standards.

##Licensing: The RCS core stack is under Apache 2 license and uses the following open source libraries:


##RCS API definition:

##SDK nightly builds:

##Stack overview:

##More docs: