
A repo for all resources for the Soft Uni course Android Development 2019.

Primary LanguageJava

Soft uni course (Topic: Android)

Duration: May - June 2019

Table of Contents

  1. Links
  2. Schedule
  3. Tutors
  4. Results
  5. Exam
  6. Slides
  7. Slack
  8. Tutorials
  9. Issues
  10. Resources
  11. Courses
  12. Repos
  13. License


Slack: Link

Github: Link

Web and Android Scholarship Program: Link


Lecture Date Tutor Time Hall
Course Introduction 2 May Teodor Kostadinov 19:00 Creative
Java & OOP 2 May Teodor Kostadinov 19:00 Creative
Views & Layouts 9 May Teodor Kostadinov 19:00 Creative
Intents & Lifecycle 16 May Teodor Kostadinov 19:00 Creative
Recycler View 23 May Teodor Kostadinov 19:00 Creative
Networking 30 May Teodor Kostadinov 19:00 Creative
Storing Data 6 June Teodor Kostadinov 19:00 Creative
Material Design & Fragments 13 June Teodor Kostadinov 19:00 Creative
Android Architecture 20 June Teodor Kostadinov 19:00 Creative
Exam 30 June Teodor Kostadinov 9:00 Knowledge
Retake 6 July Teodor Kostadinov 9:00 Knowledge
Project Defense 7 July Teodor Kostadinov 9:00 Knowledge


Teodor Kostadinov

I have been working professionally in IT since 2013. A lot has happened since then.


All results - from homeworks, homework grading, exams and projects can be found [at this link] (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MLPpCpaPs5Jwq2gAUalslhVsg2SdSFczNu-2UXD4Rns/edit?usp=sharing).


6 hours A project - full-scale Android application, combining a lot of the course material


Full-scale Android application, combining a lot of the course material. The students can choose from two predetermined projects or create their own project. Description is here.

The choice has to be made here until 23rd of June.

The projects have to be uploaded to GitHub no later than 4rd of July and the link to be added in the SoftUni system.

The project defense is on 7th of July. It starts at 9:00 AM with all the participants. Online attendees can join at [this link] (https://hangouts.google.com/call/QggVn4ETFShAKUoZDR97AEEI). They should be prepared to share their screen.


Team space: Android Soft Uni

Registration: Create a new account


#announcements - This channel is for workspace-wide communication and announcements. All members are in this channel.

#introductions - Introduce yourself to the community

#livehelp - Here we organize live mentoring and tutoring sessions. Watch this space for the next session!

#random - A place for non-work-related flimflam, faffing, hodge-podge or jibber-jabber you'd prefer to keep out of more focused work-related channels.

#resources - This Channel is for Material/Resources that you find and that can be used in the course.


Lecture Link Video
Course Introduction Link Video
Java OOP Link Video
Views & Layouts Link Video
Lifecycle and Intents Link Video
Recycler View Link Video
Internet Connectivity Link Video
Storage Link Video
Material Desing & Fragments Link Video
Android Architecture and Design Patterns Link Video








Android Studio





This course (slides, examples, demos, videos, homework, etc) is licensed under the "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Internation" license.