Java Aplication Component Workload for Android

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Java* ACW for Android*

Java* Aplication Component Workload for Android* - the client Java workload powered by MTTest framework

It targets multiple kernels widely used on mobile systems like Android:

  • ++ ai (artificial intelligence scenarios by libGdx AI library)
  • ++ compression (compression scenarios)
  • ++ dmath (decimal math algorithms)
  • ++ fmath (float math algorithms)
  • ++ html (html parser by jsoup library)
  • ++ image (image processing by BoofCV library)
  • ++ jni (jni stress scenarios)
  • ++ lphysics (physics engine scenarios by jBullet)
  • ++ pdf (pdf tests)
  • ++ sort (various sort algorithms)
  • ++ xphysics (physics engine scenarios by jBox2D)
  • ++ suite ALL [use -s option] masterset:all: [ai compression dmath fmath html image jni lphysics pdf sort xphysics]

Java* ACW for Android* is based on xml configurations, to see micros (tests) in every kernel please go to:


How to run Java* ACW for Android*:

User mode

  • download and run JavaACW-.apk, use GUI to navigate

    install: adb install -r ./JavaACW-.apk (uninstall old version first if error happened: adb uninstall com.intel.mttest.android )


      * use GUI to startup application
      * or run from command line: adb shell "am start -S -n com.intel.mttest.android/com.intel.mttest.android.StarterActivity -e autostart true -e -s masterset:all". See Developer mode for details
* Go to bin folder

* extract native libraries and input files using 'jar -xf JavaACW-<Release>.apk lib/<platform>' and 'jar -xf JavaACW-<Release>.apk assets'
    Where <platform> is one of these variants: Lin-x86, Lin-x86_64, Win-x86, Win-x86_64

* Run tests using: java -Djava.library.path=lib/<platform> -jar JavaACW-<Release>.apk -s masterset:all

Developer mode

  • Goto the project folder

  • Setup Java* ACW for Android environment

  • Configure mttest.properties file to be able to build and run, see hints in the property file

  • Perform the next command to setup proxy (if necessary), needed to download external dependencies by ant:

    • export ANT_OPTS="-Dhttp.proxyHost=<your.host.addr> -Dhttp.proxyPort=<your.port>"
  • Use Android SDK Manager to download and install Android SDK with 'Android Support Library' and 'Android Support Repository'

  • Setup ANDROID_SERIAL to your device (e.g. expoert ANDROID_SERIAL=)

  • Build

    ./mttest.sh build -m [Java|Host|Device|Product] (to make build run faster you may want to give Java more memory, eg "export _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xmx2g" before the build) NOTE: How build product APK with your own prebuilt libraries (for example, DLLs) 1. Before use './mttest.sh build' go to ./src/main/jni 2. Build the contents into *.dll yorself using apropriate compiler 3. Create a folder if not exists with name 'prebuilt' and put dlls there 4. After all you can use './mttest.sh build -m Product' and they will be automatically picked up

  • Use mttest.sh - this is major script to use Java* ACW for Android*.

    Run './mttest.sh' for mttest.sh manual. MTTest supports several modes:

    • Java (run on JVM)

    • Device (run on Android device)

      a. command line mode (by dalvikvm)

      b. apk mode (as a standard Android application run by application manager)

    • Host (run on Linux by ART host)

  • Run from command line


    All modes support unified parameters:

    -s [test1,group2,test3]

      Allows to pick testing set. Example '-s masterset:all:html,masterset:all:ai:com.intel.JACW.ai.scArrive'.
      {masterset:all} by default. It links on ./cfg/testsets/ALL/all.xml

    -c [config file name]

      Defines duration of testing cycle.  Example [-c medium.xml].
      {medium.xml} by default. It links on ./cfg/configs/medium.xml

    -t [integer];

      Defines number of threads. Example [-t 2].
      {-t 1} by default.
    • Run modes:

      • mode Java

        Command perform 4 runs on [32 / 64 bit] JVM with [-client / -server] options.

        ./mttest.sh run -m Java (run the whole workload)

        How to specify test.

          - pass '-s' key, e.g. ./mttest.sh run -m Java -s masterset:all:html
          - it's possible to use multiply test definition, -s masterset:all:html,masterset:all:ai:com.intel.JACW.ai.scArrive
      • mode Host

        ./mtthet.sh run -m Host

      • mode Device

        Install apk and run on the device

        ./mttest.sh run -m Device

          Direct VM invocation without application interface.

        ./mttest.sh run-android -m Device

          Start application with 'autostart' argument.
  • Look for resutls in ./results/date_stamp/

Shrinking to single dex

There was an option added to mttest.properties


It is used to generate single dex apk to avoid ART compiler overhead.