This is a sample app that is part of a series of blog posts I have written about how to architect an android application using Uncle Bob's clean architecture approach.
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NDK warning on build
#308 opened by shipit - 0
which layer should the mediaplayer be
#317 opened by ikidou - 0
Full Learning Document or Video
#307 opened by R-Ashh - 3
why every layer has it's own user model?
#259 opened by zhizhulp - 1
Why let the rxjava intrude into the domain module?
#295 opened by sheaye - 3
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New instance of DataStore in every API call.
#265 opened by crjacinro - 0
Use of Schedulers on UseCase
#302 opened by canemacchina - 0
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If only the data layer has entities,so domain need depends on data. This breaks the dependency rules right?
#299 opened by annybudong - 9
Unable to test presenter ?
#297 opened by devendroid - 4
How to test presenter method?
#289 opened by pro100svitlo - 1
Split view
#296 opened by Laaopo - 1
Failed to find target with hash string 'android-21'.
#292 opened by mochadwi - 2
#271 opened by NerdAnonymous - 3
Is this Object Mapping or Domain Logic?
#268 opened by mlorenz2 - 6
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Two presenters and one user case: how can link them ?
#291 opened by aeroxr1 - 2
Multiple repository
#275 opened by BishoyAbd - 1
3-tier architecture ?
#269 opened by rafipanoyan - 4
Where is the MVP's model in the presentation layer?
#286 opened by zhenghuiy - 3
Interactor name with verb.
#258 opened - 3
Handle `SocketTimeoutException`
#287 opened by drayan85 - 3
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Dependency between Domain and Data layer
#273 opened by BattleShipPark - 2
Dependency with Dagger and android library
#288 opened by apurcaroiu - 2
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inject Presenter in Activity become NULL
#284 opened by tlcheah2 - 0
Best layer for scripting?
#283 opened by St4B - 3
Should repositories know about authenticated user?
#267 opened by mr746866 - 0
Icon/Logo Proposal
#282 opened by loydjayme25 - 6
Validating UseCase
#280 opened by chrizzz35 - 0
A failure getting sample data w/ RestApiImpl
#281 opened by growdai1y - 1
Factory in Data Layer to return Single<Repository>
#279 opened by St4B - 1
Test interactions between presenters and views
#262 opened by vincent-paing - 1
Handle multiple scenario from API call
#278 opened by chrizzz35 - 2
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How to manger log in different layers ?
#255 opened by nicolas2lee - 4
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Why do you do this?
#272 opened by NerdAnonymous - 0
about clean Architecture
#270 opened by NerdAnonymous - 4
Clean Architecture with Large Cursor
#264 opened by St4B - 0
Library update
#266 opened by Thansoft007 - 1
Explaination for DI modules and components
#263 opened by crjacinro - 1
UseCases that fetch data as Single or Completable?
#260 opened by mr746866 - 3
Does UseCase is the right name?
#257 opened by paramadharmika - 6
Better understanding of dependency rule?
#256 opened by BokleeBo