
A list of Flutter resources that will help people get started with Flutter

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Flutter Resources

A list of Free Flutter resources that will help people get started with Flutter. Flutter



  • Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase
  • Flutter Installation - Get Started by installing Flutter in your machine
  • Flutter for Beginners - Youtube playlist about building apps with Flutter
  • Dart for Beginners - Youtube playlist about the Dart programming language
  • Flutter Basics - Youtube playlist that teaches the basics and uses the learned knowledge to create a Time app
  • Http Requests - A medium article teaching how to make http requests to a server




UI Kit

Youtube Channels



Machine Learning

  • TFLite - A Flutter plugin for accessing TensorFlow Lite. Supports both iOS and Android.
  • Speech_to_Text - A Flutter plugin that exposes device specific speech to text recognition capability.
  • Firebase_ML_Vision - Flutter plugin for Firebase machine learning vision services.
  • Edge_Detection - A flutter plugin to detect edges of objects, scan paper, detect corner, detect rectangle. It allows cropping of the detected object image and returns the path of the cropped image.

Best Pratices

  • State Management Grand Tour - An article/video explaining the different state management approaches and why you should not use setState
  • Safe Async - An article that teaches how to make FutureBuilder/StreamBuilder properly
  • Performance - Official Flutter documentation on how to make your Flutter app as performant as possible
  • Stateless Widget vs Widget Function - A StackOverFlow answer explaining why its better to use Stateless Widgets to build reusable widgets.
  • Style Guides - A Github Wiki showing the style guides for a Flutter project
  • Best Practices - An article that shows the best practices in Flutter


Good Quality contributions are welcomed. Just don't make spammy low-quality contributions like adding an extra space.

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