
AndroidTV list sample - only using BaseGridView from Leanback Lib and custom key handler

Primary LanguageKotlin


AndroidTV list sample - only using BaseGridView from Leanback Lib and custom key handler.

Video player is not part of this sample.

This sample demonstrates, how code for a mobile Android app and an Android TV can be re-used by not using the whole standard leanback library and instead only BaseGridView component (TvVerticalRecyclerView and TvHorizontalRecyclerView extend this one) - but also with the consequence of handling all key events instead of relying directly in the system focus mechanism of Android.

The main problem we found with the leanback library is, that all functionality is included in base fragments that perform many specific UI stuff that we do not need or that cause issues when re-using code for the mobile app.

With this sample we demonstrate how this can be achieved using regular fragments instead.


  • your RecyclerView.ViewHolder needs to implement the TvViewHolder interface
  • TvItemVH is a base ViewHolder for simple selectable items
  • TvListVH is a base ViewHolder for nested lists

These classes are just provided as an example. You can use your own custom ViewHolder and just implement the TvViewHolder