
Fully featured, latest builds of imagemagick 7 for Android. Featuring a full build of very many libraries (delegates)-> 7.0.8-63

Primary LanguageC

Android ImageMagick 7.0.8-63

This is a fully featured imagemagick build compatible with android. All libaries used are the absolute latest versions with the latest and greatest features.

It can be configured to both build as a binary (with shared libaries or statically linked), or as separate shared libraries (and no binary).

It comes compiled with the following features:

  • OpenMP(3.1) / OpenCL (Qualcomm)
  • HDRI support
  • Q16 Quantum depth
  • Cipher
  • DPC

It comes featured with the following delegates:

  • bzlib
  • libfftw
  • libfreetype
  • libjpeg-turbo
  • libopenjpeg
  • libpng
  • libtiff
  • libwebp
  • libxml2
  • liblzma
  • liblcms2

Also comes with (but these not delegates, only support libraries):

  • libicu4c (libicuuc and libicui18n)
  • libiconv

Android support

Requires API >= 24 (>= Nougat)

Currently, only arm64-v8a is supported

You can test it with earlier versions, but I offer no support for it.

  • Includes optional jmagick support. It will patch imagemagick c files for Android/jmagick compatibility.
  • Includes jmagick java code and fakeawt for your project
  • Also has example android java code interfacing with imagemagick, find it in the libjmagick-7/android directory
  • You can choose to disable support for jmagick, and it will compile UNMODIFIED vanilla files (the binary / libraries will still run on Android without any problems whatsoever; android compatibility is merely to allow imagemagick to interface with java code, and also logging support in Android Studio ;) )

How to run the binary

  1. Put all generated binary and library files in same folder.
  2. Add environment variables before you run the binary.
ENV Variable Description Example Value
TMPDIR Temporary cache directory. Set to a directory writable by your app /data/data/com.myapp/files/TMP
MAGICK_HOME The directory containing imagemagick xml config files. Should be set to the base directory, e.g. /usr , with config files being in /usr/etc/ImageMagick-7. /data/data/com.myapp/files/usr
ICU_DATA_DIR_PREFIX The directory containing the folder named icu which contains the ICU data files (required by icuuc library). For example, a path of /usr will result in /usr/icu/icu.dat being loaded. Only required if the libxml2 delegate is enabled. /data/data/com.myapp/files/usr
LD_LIBRARY_PATH Needed in order for the binary to find the libc++_shared.so library (or other libraries if you compiled them into shared libraries) /data/data/com.myapp/files/usr/lib/arm64-v8a