
A parallel, language agnostic, automatic test case reducer

Primary LanguageRust

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This is very much an incomplete and work-in-progress prototype!! Any claims made below are likely false.

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A parallel, language-agnostic, automatic test case reducer.

preduce takes a large test case that exhibits some interesting behavior (such as crashing your program) and finds a smaller test case that exhibits the same interesting behavior.

What? Why?

Minimal test cases are the most useful: they contain only the bits necessary to trigger the bug. Everything else is actively detrimental to understanding and fixing the bug because it must be tediously considered and disregarded by the programmer, wasting her valuable time.

At the same time, creating minimal test cases is often difficult. Requiring bug reporters to provide a minimal test case results in valuable bugs not getting reported. Even for a program's developers, who are intimately familiar with its inner workings, isolating the relevant bits of a huge test case can be like finding a needle in a haystack.

So why not automate the test case candidate process? This is exactly what preduce, and programs that inspired it, provide.

For more background:

  • Delta Debugging on Wikipedia

  • C-Reduce, an excellent automatic test case reducer geared mostly towards C and C++ test cases, but also usable with other curly brace languages. preduce is directly inspired by C-Reduce, but has the goal of better utilizing many-core machines to reduce test cases faster. For more details, see the implementation notes further below.

Installing preduce

First, install Rust and its package manager cargo if you don't already have them installed.

Then, use cargo to install preduce:

$ cargo install preduce

preduce should now be installed at $HOME/.cargo/bin/preduce, so make sure that $HOME/.cargo/bin is on your $PATH.

Using preduce

To use preduce, invoke it with the script that implements the "is this test case interesting?" predicate and the test case.

$ preduce [options] ./path/to/test/case ./path/to/predicate ./path/to/reducer...

For information about the various options available, run

$ preduce --help

Writing an Is-Interesting? Predicate Script

Predicate scripts are invoked with a single argument: a relative path the potentially-interesting test case file it should judge. The predicate script must communicate whether the test case is interesting or not by exiting 0 for interesting, or non-zero for uninteresting.

The predicate script must be deterministic. If it isn't, preduce's results won't be useful, and they won't likely be very reduced either. Garbage in, garbage out.

Here are some tips for shell scripts:

  • Start with set -eu to exit non-zero if any subcommand fails, or an undefined variable is used.
  • Leverage grep's non-zero exit when it doesn't find any matches. This can be used to hunt for a particular error message from your program, or early exit when you know the grepped-for pattern must appear in the test case input file to trigger your bug.

Using preduce as a Libary

For programmatic control over candidate strategies and is-interesting predicates, you can use the preduce crate as a library.

Create a new executable crate with cargo:

$ cargo new --bin my-custom-test-case-reducer
$ cd my-custom-test-case-reducer/

Then, add preduce as a dependency in your Cargo.toml:

preduce = "<insert latest preduce version here>"

For library usage documentation, see the preduce library documentation on docs.rs.

How preduce Works

preduce is comprised of three parts:

  1. A test case reducer, which generates smaller test cases of unknown interesting-ness from an initial, larger, known-interesting test case.

  2. A predicate to test whether a given test case is interesting or not.

  3. Traversal of the reduced test case search space, which leverages (1) and (2).


A test case reducer is given a known-interesting test case, and yields a series of potentially interesting candidates of the known-interesting test case. Test case reducers are typically implemented as scripts invoked as subprocesses of preduce. This design is mimicked from C-Reduce, and allows preduce to reuse all of C-Reduce's test case reducers.

preduce's builtin test case candidate strategies include:

  • Removing a line of text
  • Removing a comment
  • Removing a contiguous, indented chunk of text
  • And all of C-Reduce's other candidate strategies

Users may also provide their own reducers to be used alongside or instead of the builtin set of reducers.

Custom reducers must produce candidates of their seed test case: each new test case must be smaller in size than the seed. If this property is not held, preduce is not guaranteed to terminate.

Is-Interesting? Predicates

The "is this test case interesting?" predicates are wholly supplied by the user, and are opaque to preduce. preduce simply invokes them. Additionally, it is preduce that manages all concurrency and parallelism, and both the predicate scripts and the reducers need not be privy.

Once again, this mimics C-Reduce's design.

Traversal of the Search Space

To best describe preduce's search strategy is to contrast it with C-Reduce's search strategy, and describe the motivations that led me to implementing an alternative. What follows is largely an adaptation and summarization of John Regehr's blog post about making C-Reduce parallel in the first place: Parallelizing Delta Debugging.

Empirically, most candidates are not interesting. C-Reduce is most often used with C/C++ compilers: whether they crash when compiling the test case, whether they miscompile it, etc. Indeed, I was using C-Reduce for a compiler as well, just not a typical one: rust-bindgen, which takes C/C++ headers and emits extern FFI declaration boiler plate for Rust programs that want to use the C/C++ header's library. In such a scenario, it is easy to see that most candidates will change the semantics of the C/C++ program in ways such that the buggy code path in the compiler is not triggered, or, even more likely, produce an invalid C/C++ program.

With that in mind, let's discuss C-Reduce's approach to parallelizing delta debugging.

C-Reduce has an initial, known-interesting test case, and spawns off N=number-of-cores workers to test each one's interesting-ness.

      version O
        / | \
       /  |  \
      /   |   \
     ?    ?    ?

Two of the workers complete, and find their test cases uninteresting, so C-Reduce spawns two new workers with the next candidates to be judged for interesting-ness.

    version O ----.
       /|\      \  \
      / | \      \  \
     /  |  \      \  \
    /   |   \      \  \
   X    X    ?      ?  ?

Then a worker finds its test case interesting. All active workers' test cases are abandoned, and C-Reduce begins generating and testing candidates of the new, smaller test case.

     version O -------.
       /|  \        \  \
      / |   \        \  \
     /  |    \        \  \
    /   |     \        \  \
   X    X   version 1   X  X
              / | \
             /  |  \
            /   |   \
           ?    ?    ?

This greedy search is repeated to a fixpoint where no further candidates are interesting.

C-Reduce doesn't worry about the work that is abandoned whenever a new candidate is judged interesting because most candidates aren't interesting.

But many candidates are independent of each other, for example removing one function is often independent from removing another function. We can generate the "same" candidate once again for the new, reduced test case: same function-removal diff, different test case to apply the diff to. And then we begin testing that "same" candidate again, only to lose the race to be the first worker to confirm interesting-ness once again, and we repeat this race-losing process potentially many times. The more workers we have, and the more parallelization we introduce, the more likely each worker is to lose the race, and the more likely we are to repeat the same work over and over.

John Regehr found that performance with four workers was an improvement over one worker, but that five workers was worse than one, and as even more are added performance falls off a cliff. On the machine I'm working with, I have 48 logical cores, and I really want to utilize them, because C-Reduce runs often take a day and half when minimizing test cases for rust-bindgen.

John Regehr describes in his blog post how he initially investigated each core having its own copy of the smallest interesting test case found so far, and periodically merging them. He ran into these problems:

  • The merge tool is very conservative, and will often fail with conflicts.
  • He was unsure how often to merge.

Like C-Reduce, preduce maintains a global most-reduced known-interesting test case. Unlike C-Reduce, preduce does not abandon the work that workers are performing when a new most-reduced interesting test case is discovered, and instead let's them finish. If their test case is smaller than the current most-reduced interesting test case, then it becomes the new most-reduced interesting test case, and we start searching candidates generated from this new test case. preduce also generates a merge between the new test case and what was (or still is, if this test case is smaller) the most-reduced interesting test case. This is inserted into the queue of candidates to test for interesting-ness the same as any other generated candidate. If the merge fails, then it is discarded.

This approach provides a definite answer to how often to merge: whenever an interesting test case is found. As for conflicts and merge failures, preduce builds a git history of the test case's candidates and uses git's awareness of history to make more merges succeed. It also does dumb little tricks like shuffling the order of generated candidates so that a reducer which generates candidates in order (eg remove the first line, remove the second line, ...) doesn't accidentally make every candidate conflict with each other.

Here is an illustration of preduce's merging approach. A candidate is found interesting while two more are still being judged. This spawns off new workers for new candidate of the new test case. Some of these are judged uninteresting quickly:

     version O ------------.
       /|  \          \     \
      / |   \          \     \
     /  |    \          \     \
    /   |     \          \     \
   X    X   version 1.0   ?     ?
              / | \
             /  |  \
            /   |   \
           ?    X    X

Meanwhile, one of the candidates of the initial test case is also judged interesting. This kicks off a new worker, attempting to do a merge between the interesting candidates:

     version O ------------.
       /|  \          \     \
      / |   \          \     \
     /  |    \          \     \
    /   |     \          \     \
   X    X   version 1.0   ?  version 1.1
               /|\     \       /
              / | \     \     /
             /  |  \     \   /
            /   |   \     \ /
           ?    X    X     ?

Next, the last direct candidate of version 0 is judged uninteresting. We start testing the next candidate of the current most-reduced interesting test case. For illustrative purposes, let's say that is version 1.0 (it could be either 1.0 or 1.1, it makes no difference).

     version O ------------.
       /|  \          \     \
      / |   \          \     \
     /  |    \          \     \
    /   |     \          \     \
   X    X   version 1.0   X  version 1.1
            /  /|\     \       /
           /  / | \     \     /
          /  /  |  \     \   /
         /  /   |   \     \ /
        ?  ?    X    X     ?

The merge between 1.0 and 1.1 is found interesting, and becomes the smallest .

     version O ------------.
       /|  \          \     \
      / |   \          \     \
     /  |    \          \     \
    /   |     \          \     \
   X    X   version 1.0   X  version 1.1
            /  /|\     \       /
           /  / | \     \     /
          /  /  |  \     \   /
         /  /   |   \     \ /
        ?  ?    X    X  version 2.0

This process continues until we reach a fixed point where there are no more candidates to make, or all candidates are found to be uninteresting.

Like C-Reduce's approach, this merge approach is also greedy. Just "slightly less" greedy, in that we try to avoid throwing away work we've aready started to do with the merges. Fundamentally, at each step we still only consider candidates of the current best choice.

In order for this merging approach to be an improvement over C-Reduce's greedy, work-abandoning approach, the following assumptions must hold:

  • Merging two interesting reduced test cases should usually result in another interesting test case.

  • The cost of letting all is-interesting tests run to completion does not outweigh the benefit we get from merging. This is usually the case because uninteresting cases are usually judged quicker, so any tests that are still running when the first completes are more likely to be interesting as well.

Reframing the Problem

How do we know preduce will reach a fixed point and terminate? This just sounds like a minor heuristics-based tweak to C-Reduce's searching, isn't there something with a big-O improvement? I'm not satisfied!

Patience. I'm not satisfied either! But I don't have anything better yet.

Reframing the problem might help get the creative juices going, so here is a little brain dump. Lots of handwaving, simplifications, and assumptions incoming.

We are given:

  • An is-interesting predicate function f mapping test cases to boolean.

  • An initial test case T.

  • The finite set of all the candidates we can make, R = { r0, r1, ..., rn }. Applying a set of candidates r ⊆ R to T produces the reduced test case Tr. That is, r are patch operations producing reduced test cases, not reduced test cases themselves. For simplicity, we assume that either candidates are associative and commutative, or can be sorted meaningfully before applying them to T.

With this in hand, we define the search space as the lattice produced by the powerset of R, with a partial ordering defined by set inclusion. There are 2n elements in the search space.

We begin our search from the bottom element: the empty set of candidates, ie the initial test case. We are ostensibly searching for the maximal candidate set rmax for which f returns true: f(rmax(T)) = true. However, searching 2n elements is much too many to be practical, so we are searching for a maximal enough candidate set.

C-Reduce makes a greedy depth first search up the lattice. It tests each candidate set |r| = 1 until f returns true, and then tests each candidate set |r| = 2 reachable by adding a single new candidate to the last candidate set |r| = 1 for which f returned true, etc... until it reaches a fixed point. It only adds candidates to the candidate set at any given step, and so the process is monotone. The fixed point is reached either because it walks to the top of the lattice (all candidates applied, the empty test case) or f returns false for all candidate sets with one more item than the current candidate set. There are n candidate sets |r| = 1, n - 1 candidate sets |r| = 2, ..., 1 candidate set |r| = n. Therefore, it has running time of O(n2).

Merging fits right in with this reframing of the problem: it is the lattice's join operation: union of candidate sets. This preserves the monotone property of the process. It also runs in O(n2).

C-Reduce will go up the first path it finds where f is returning true, and may miss paths that ultimately go further up the lattice to a more larger candidate set, but begin "after" the entry point to the current candidate set. The merging approach will find these paths if it began testing their entries for interesting-ness before the current path's entry was found interesting. The more parallel workers testing interesting-ness, the more likely to find such paths' entry points. This means that more parallel workers are a boon in a merging traversal, while in C-Reduce's current approach they are more likely to lose the race to first-interesting-candidate and do useless work. This is a nice improvement, if nothing else.

Yet another alternative is to perform a depth-first search over the entire lattice space, but formalize the maximal enough property into a function of running time or size of the reduced test case. Then, if we ever find a candidate set that is both interesting and satisfies the maximal enough function, we stop.

Maybe there is some more clever property of the lattice we can exploit to discover a maximal enough candidate set in much faster time, or with much better parallelism. If you have ideas, please let me know!

The frustration with this lattice perspective of the problem is that our is-interesting predicate function f itself is not guaranteed to be monotone. That is, it is possible that there is some interesting candidate set that is not reachable starting from the empty candidate set. This means that the combination of the candidates power set lattice with f is not itself a lattice.

Why Not Merge preduce with C-Reduce?

Since preduce already shares much of its design with C-Reduce, and only improves on the orchestration of the traversal of the search space, why not merge it with C-Reduce?

Yes! That would be lovely!

preduce exists as a prototype to better parallelize C-Reduce, and (assuming that it meets that goal) it would be great to either replace C-Reduce's search orchestration with preduce's or port the algorithm to C-Reduce.

Areas of Future Exploration

Allow preduce to distribute work across many different machines, not just cores on one machine.