
Repository for submission and review of Andromeda Digital Objects

A repo for users to request new ADOs and Features

Requesting a new ADO

To request a new ADO, create a new Issue and use the ADO idea Request template. An example of a good submission can be found here.

Note: This initial idea will not contain all of the necessary technical information that will be required to build out the ADO. The Andromeda team will be reviewing and approving these idea submissions at the onset. Our goal is to work towards a more DAO structured community review and approval.

Requesting a new feature for an existing ADO

To request a new feature for an existing ADO, create a new Issue and use the ADO feature template. An example of a good submission can be found here.

Note: For a submission to be valid, please fill in the templates completely as all the sections are required.

Submitting an ADO to be added to the Andromeda library

To submit a created ADO to be added to our library of ADOs, you need to create an PR to this repo. The PR should include information similar to the what is found in our ADO Submission template. An example can be found here.


  • You should have your ADO idea approved before going through submitting the ADO. To get your idea approved, follow the steps in the Requesting a new ADO section.
  • Do not include the ADO codebase in the PR. Make sure to provide a link to the repo the codebase is hosted on.

Developing an Approved ADO

Development of the ADO should be done on the developers own repository and then a link should be provided to the ADO in the submission phase. Developers are encouraged to start with our ADO Template. DO NOT create a PR for the ADO on any of Andromeda's public repos (Andromeda Core or this one).