ENCODExplorer: A compilation of ENCODE metadata

This package allows user to quickly access ENCODE project files metadata and give access to helper functions to query the ENCODE rest api, download ENCODE datasets and save the database in SQLite format.

Bioconductor Package

Bioconductor Time

ENCODExplorer is now an official package of Bioconductor. The current release can be directly downloaded from their website: Current release


Charles Joly Beauparlant, Audrey Lemaçon and Arnaud Droit.

See Arnaud Droit Lab website.


Charles Joly Beauparlant


This package and the underlying ENCODExplorer code are distributed under the Artistic license 2.0. You are free to use and redistribute this software.

For more information on Artistic 2.0 License see http://opensource.org/licenses/Artistic-2.0

Bugs/Feature requests

If you have any bugs or feature requests, let us know. Thanks!