SpeechToTextApiV30 - JavaScript client for speech_to_text_api_v30 Speech to Text API v3.0. This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: v3.0
- Package version: v3.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen
For Node.js
To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".
Then install it via:
npm install speech_to_text_api_v30 --save
To use the library locally without publishing to a remote npm registry, first install the dependencies by changing
into the directory containing package.json
(and this README). Let's call this JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
. Then run:
npm install
Next, link it globally in npm with the following, also from JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
npm link
Finally, switch to the directory you want to use your speech_to_text_api_v30 from, and run:
npm link /path/to/<JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR>
You should now be able to require('speech_to_text_api_v30')
in javascript files from the directory you ran the last
command above from.
If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g. https://github.com/YOUR_USERNAME/speech_to_text_api_v30 then install it via:
npm install YOUR_USERNAME/speech_to_text_api_v30 --save
The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following
the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify
perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file, that's to say your javascript file where you actually
use this library):
browserify main.js > bundle.js
Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.
Using Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module", most certainly you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:
module: {
rules: [
parser: {
amd: false
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
var SpeechToTextApiV30 = require('speech_to_text_api_v30');
var defaultClient = SpeechToTextApiV30.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure API key authorization: apiKeyHeader
var apiKeyHeader = defaultClient.authentications['apiKeyHeader'];
apiKeyHeader.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//apiKeyHeader.apiKeyPrefix['Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key'] = "Token"
// Configure API key authorization: apiKeyQuery
var apiKeyQuery = defaultClient.authentications['apiKeyQuery'];
apiKeyQuery.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//apiKeyQuery.apiKeyPrefix['subscription-key'] = "Token"
var api = new SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi()
var id = "id_example"; // {String} Format - uuid. The identifier of the model that will be copied.
var opts = {
'modelCopy': new SpeechToTextApiV30.ModelCopy() // {ModelCopy} The body contains the subscription key of the target subscription.
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.copyModelToSubscription(id, opts, callback);
All URIs are relative to https://westus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/speechtotext/v3.0
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | copyModelToSubscription | POST /models/{id}/copyto | Copy Model |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | createDataset | POST /datasets | Create Dataset |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | createEndpoint | POST /endpoints | Create Endpoint |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | createEvaluation | POST /evaluations | Create Evaluation |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | createHook | POST /webhooks | Create Web Hook |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | createModel | POST /models | Create Model |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | createProject | POST /projects | Create Project |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | createTranscription | POST /transcriptions | Create Transcription |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | deleteBaseModelLog | DELETE /endpoints/base/{locale}/files/logs/{logId} | Delete Base Model Endpoint Log |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | deleteBaseModelLogs | DELETE /endpoints/base/{locale}/files/logs | Delete All Base Model Endpoint Logs |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | deleteDataset | DELETE /datasets/{id} | Delete Dataset |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | deleteEndpoint | DELETE /endpoints/{id} | Delete Endpoint |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | deleteEndpointLog | DELETE /endpoints/{id}/files/logs/{logId} | Delete Custom Model Endpoint Log |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | deleteEndpointLogs | DELETE /endpoints/{id}/files/logs | Delete All Custom Model Endpoint Logs |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | deleteEvaluation | DELETE /evaluations/{id} | Delete Evaluation |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | deleteHook | DELETE /webhooks/{id} | Delete Web Hook |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | deleteModel | DELETE /models/{id} | Delete Model |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | deleteProject | DELETE /projects/{id} | Delete Project |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | deleteTranscription | DELETE /transcriptions/{id} | Delete Transcription |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getBaseModel | GET /models/base/{id} | Get Base Model |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getBaseModelLog | GET /endpoints/base/{locale}/files/logs/{logId} | Get Base Model Endpoint Log |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getBaseModelLogs | GET /endpoints/base/{locale}/files/logs | Get Base Model Endpoint Logs |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getBaseModelManifest | GET /models/base/{id}/manifest | Get Base Model Manifest |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getBaseModels | GET /models/base | Get Base Models |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getDataset | GET /datasets/{id} | Get Dataset |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getDatasetFile | GET /datasets/{id}/files/{fileId} | Get Dataset File |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getDatasetFiles | GET /datasets/{id}/files | Get Dataset Files |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getDatasets | GET /datasets | Get Datasets |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getDatasetsForProject | GET /projects/{id}/datasets | Get Datasets for Project |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getEndpoint | GET /endpoints/{id} | Get Endpoint |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getEndpointLog | GET /endpoints/{id}/files/logs/{logId} | Get Custom Model Endpoint Log |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getEndpointLogs | GET /endpoints/{id}/files/logs | Get Custom Model Endpoint Logs |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getEndpoints | GET /endpoints | Get Endpoints |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getEndpointsForProject | GET /projects/{id}/endpoints | Get Endpoints for Project |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getEvaluation | GET /evaluations/{id} | Get Evaluation |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getEvaluationFile | GET /evaluations/{id}/files/{fileId} | Get Evaluation File |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getEvaluationFiles | GET /evaluations/{id}/files | Get Evaluation Files |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getEvaluations | GET /evaluations | Get Evaluations |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getEvaluationsForProject | GET /projects/{id}/evaluations | Get Evaluations for Project |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getHealthStatus | GET /healthstatus | Get Health Status |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getHook | GET /webhooks/{id} | Get Web Hook |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getHooks | GET /webhooks | Get Web Hooks |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getModel | GET /models/{id} | Get Model |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getModelManifest | GET /models/{id}/manifest | Get Custom Model Manifest |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getModels | GET /models | Get Custom Models |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getModelsForProject | GET /projects/{id}/models | Get Models for Project |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getProject | GET /projects/{id} | Get Project |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getProjects | GET /projects | Get Projects |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getSupportedLocalesForDatasets | GET /datasets/locales | Get Supported Locales for Datasets |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getSupportedLocalesForEndpoints | GET /endpoints/locales | Get Supported Locales for Endpoints |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getSupportedLocalesForEvaluations | GET /evaluations/locales | Get Supported Locales for Evaluations |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getSupportedLocalesForModels | GET /models/locales | Get Supported Locales for Models |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getSupportedLocalesForTranscriptions | GET /transcriptions/locales | Get Supported Locales for Transcriptions |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getSupportedProjectLocales | GET /projects/locales | Get Supported Locales for Projects |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getTranscription | GET /transcriptions/{id} | Get Transcription |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getTranscriptionFile | GET /transcriptions/{id}/files/{fileId} | Get Transcription File |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getTranscriptionFiles | GET /transcriptions/{id}/files | Get Transcription Files |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getTranscriptions | GET /transcriptions | Get Transcriptions |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | getTranscriptionsForProject | GET /projects/{id}/transcriptions | Get Transcriptions for Project |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | pingHook | POST /webhooks/{id}/ping | Ping Web Hook |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | testHook | POST /webhooks/{id}/test | Test Web Hook |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | updateDataset | PATCH /datasets/{id} | Update Dataset |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | updateEndpoint | PATCH /endpoints/{id} | Update Endpoint |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | updateEvaluation | PATCH /evaluations/{id} | Update Evaluation |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | updateHook | PATCH /webhooks/{id} | Update Web Hook |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | updateModel | PATCH /models/{id} | Update Model |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | updateProject | PATCH /projects/{id} | Update Project |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | updateTranscription | PATCH /transcriptions/{id} | Update Transcription |
SpeechToTextApiV30.DefaultApi | uploadDatasetFromForm | POST /datasets/upload | Create Dataset from Form |
- SpeechToTextApiV30.ApiSpeechtotextV30DatasetsLocalesGet200ApplicationJsonResponse
- SpeechToTextApiV30.ApiSpeechtotextV30EndpointsLocalesGet200ApplicationJsonResponse
- SpeechToTextApiV30.ApiSpeechtotextV30EvaluationsLocalesGet200ApplicationJsonResponse
- SpeechToTextApiV30.ApiSpeechtotextV30ModelsLocalesGet200ApplicationJsonResponse
- SpeechToTextApiV30.ApiSpeechtotextV30ProjectsLocalesGet200ApplicationJsonResponse
- SpeechToTextApiV30.ApiSpeechtotextV30TranscriptionsLocalesGet200ApplicationJsonResponse
- SpeechToTextApiV30.Component
- SpeechToTextApiV30.Dataset
- SpeechToTextApiV30.DatasetProperties
- SpeechToTextApiV30.DatasetUpdate
- SpeechToTextApiV30.Endpoint
- SpeechToTextApiV30.EndpointLinks
- SpeechToTextApiV30.EndpointProperties
- SpeechToTextApiV30.EndpointPropertiesUpdate
- SpeechToTextApiV30.EndpointUpdate
- SpeechToTextApiV30.EntityError
- SpeechToTextApiV30.EntityReference
- SpeechToTextApiV30.Error
- SpeechToTextApiV30.ErrorContent
- SpeechToTextApiV30.ErrorDetail
- SpeechToTextApiV30.Evaluation
- SpeechToTextApiV30.EvaluationProperties
- SpeechToTextApiV30.EvaluationUpdate
- SpeechToTextApiV30.File
- SpeechToTextApiV30.FileLinks
- SpeechToTextApiV30.FileProperties
- SpeechToTextApiV30.HealthStatus
- SpeechToTextApiV30.InnerError
- SpeechToTextApiV30.InnerErrorV2
- SpeechToTextApiV30.InternalModel
- SpeechToTextApiV30.Links
- SpeechToTextApiV30.ManagementModel
- SpeechToTextApiV30.ManagementModelArray
- SpeechToTextApiV30.ManagementModelProperties
- SpeechToTextApiV30.Model
- SpeechToTextApiV30.ModelCopy
- SpeechToTextApiV30.ModelDeprecationDates
- SpeechToTextApiV30.ModelFile
- SpeechToTextApiV30.ModelLinks
- SpeechToTextApiV30.ModelManifest
- SpeechToTextApiV30.ModelProperties
- SpeechToTextApiV30.ModelUpdate
- SpeechToTextApiV30.PaginatedDatasets
- SpeechToTextApiV30.PaginatedEndpoints
- SpeechToTextApiV30.PaginatedEvaluations
- SpeechToTextApiV30.PaginatedFiles
- SpeechToTextApiV30.PaginatedModels
- SpeechToTextApiV30.PaginatedProjects
- SpeechToTextApiV30.PaginatedTranscriptions
- SpeechToTextApiV30.PaginatedWebHooks
- SpeechToTextApiV30.Project
- SpeechToTextApiV30.ProjectLinks
- SpeechToTextApiV30.ProjectProperties
- SpeechToTextApiV30.ProjectUpdate
- SpeechToTextApiV30.Transcription
- SpeechToTextApiV30.TranscriptionProperties
- SpeechToTextApiV30.TranscriptionUpdate
- SpeechToTextApiV30.WebHook
- SpeechToTextApiV30.WebHookLinks
- SpeechToTextApiV30.WebHookProperties
- SpeechToTextApiV30.WebHookPropertiesUpdate
- SpeechToTextApiV30.WebHookUpdate
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: subscription-key
- Location: URL query string