Telivy Backend Project

Thank you for checking out my small application. I would like to start by saying that I wanted to see how much my skills with vue have developed on my own and I set a time limit 20 working hours for this application including Backend and Frontend. I didn't focus so much on styling as I wanted to have more features than looks. I will be continuing to work on this app but this is it at 20 hours.

Quick notes

- The api key is only good for 100 request per day so if nothing is showing up I guess I burned through them all.
- There is no real database for this project. Some of the fetches are to .json files to minimize API calls

Table of Contents


  • AppHeader.vue

  • Article.vue

  • MainArticles.vue

  • TopHeadlines.vue


  • default.vue


  • search.vue


  • Concurrency News fetch

List of Tech for this project

  • Nuxt
  • Vuex
  • SCSS
  • axios
  • nodemon
  • fetch
  • express
  • dotenv

Install dependencies:

npm i or yarn

Create .env

based on example.env
add api key

To run server & application:

npm run run-all
yarn run-all

Server running:

Party on Port:8000!

Future of this project

  • styling (everything)
  • Better randomization of user favorited articles on display
  • More Search Parameters
  • Better division of components
  • improved user features
  • add a way to save favorite searches
  • add seo



I set up a simple way to navigate the site by using my AppHeader component with nuxts layouts/default.vue feature. By importing it here and using it, I have access to it on any page.


  • Navigation
  • user sign-in
  • user sign-out
  <header class="header">
    <h1 class="title">Navigation</h1>

    <div v-if="!userLoggedIn">
        <button @click="login">Login</button>
    <div v-else>
        <button @click="logout">Logout</button>
        <nuxt-link to="/">Home</nuxt-link>
        <nuxt-link to="/search">Search</nuxt-link>


Here I display the log in and logout button (conditionally rendered) depending on if the user is logged in or not. I set up a "boolean switch" as it was the easiest way to implement this feature.


    <AppHeader v-on:user-login="signIn"
    <Nuxt />


As the focus of the site was news articles I created a component that could render and display articles across the site utilizing props from a parent component.


  • Displays Articles
  • Delete feature
props: ['source', 'author', 'content', 'description', 'publishedAt', 'title', 'url', 'urlToImage', 'theArticle', 'location'],

created() {
      if (this.userInfo.session && this.location === 'MainArticles') {
        this.deleteable = true;

I created a deleteable prop that would take in a string. If that string was "MainArticles" when passed in, it would allow the user to delete the article from the slice of state.


MainArticles is the landing page for any user arriving. By default it displays a collection of articles that can easily be changed. When a user logs in, if the user has currently favorited articles, the app will fetch the newest articles based off of the users favorites, saves them to the state and renders them on screen.


  • Conditional rendering on log-in
  • Delete
computed: {
    ...mapGetters('userInfo', ['userInfo'])
  data() {
    return {

  async created() {
    if (!this.userInfo.session) {
    } else {
    ...mapActions('articlesData',['fetchDefaultArticles', 'fetchUserArticles', 'deleteArticle']),


This component does exactly what it sounds like, but I wanted to make it so that it would iterate through the most recent headlines after the component fetches them.


  • Iterates through a list
  • Pauses on hover
  • Resumes on exit
data() {
        return {
            headlines: [],
            topHeadline: null,
            interval: null,
            num: 1,
    async created() {
        const config = {
            headers: {
                'Accept': 'applications/json'

        try {
            const res = await axios.get(`/api/news/top-headlines`, config);
            this.headlines =
            this.topHeadline = this.headlines[0];
        } catch (err) {
    methods: {
        iterate() {
            this.interval = setInterval(() => {
                this.topHeadline = this.headlines[this.num];
                if (this.num === this.headlines.length) this.num = 0;
            }, 3000)
        clearIterate() {

Here the component calls the iterate method during the fetch. As I wanted the user to have the most up to date articles I did not save these in vuex state. Instead on creation the component will fetch the newest articles to display them on screen. When a user hovers over the component it will pause on the current article and upon exiting will resume where it left off.



I layered the AppHeader component here for rendering across all pages. I also rendered the current users information so that on change you could watch the current users data mutate in the vuex state. As this is the top level component this is where I wanted sign-in and sign-out to happen to allow for dynamic rendering across all pages.


  • Sign-in (vuex state)
  • Sign-out (vuex state)
    <p>current User: {{ userInfo.username }}</p>
    <p>recent searches: {{ userInfo.recent_searches }}</p>
    <p>current favorites: {{ userInfo.favorited }}</p>
    <p>session: {{ userInfo.session }}</p>
    <AppHeader v-on:user-login="signIn"
    <Nuxt />



Fully working search feature. When a user searches their most recent search string is updated in the user slice of state and renders on screen, allowing the user to easily search for the same articles again by clicking.


  • Most Recent Searches
computed: {
        ...mapGetters('userInfo', ['userInfo'])
    methods: {
        ...mapActions('userInfo', ['updateUserSearches']),
        async searchNews() {
            try {
                const res = await axios.get(`/api/search/?tags=${this.searchString}`);
                this.searchResults =
            } catch (err) {
        async previousSearch(string){
            try {
                this.searchString = string
                const res = await axios.get(`/api/search/?tags=${string}`);
                this.searchResults =
            } catch (err) {

The updateUserSearches() is called with the most recent search string and mutates/ updates the vuex state for the current user.



Nothing too crazy. Simple Express server but the one section I wanted to talk about was the users article fetch that happens. I wanted this to be a concurrent function, fetching any amount of user favorites and combining them into a single arr to be used in the front end.


  • text
router.get('/user-favorites', async (req, res) => {
    const paramsArr = req.query.tags.split(',')

    const fetchParamsArr = await => request =`${request}`)
    const favoritedArticles = await fetchArticlesByParams(fetchParamsArr);


async function fetchArticlesByParams(paramsArr) {

    const requests = => fetch(`${param}&apiKey=${process.env.API_KEY}`))
    const responseData = await Promise.all(requests);
    const jsonResponse = => article.json());
    const jsonData = await Promise.all(jsonResponse);
    const allArticles = => obj = obj.articles);
    return allArticles.flat();


This routed makes multiple fetches to the server the concurrently updates the data before sending it back to the frontend to be rendered.