
Simple onscreen keyboard in "vanila" TypeScript, with no dependencies

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Simple vanilla TypeScript keyboard


###TypeScript Import src/TypeKeyboard.ts from your TypeScript project and build in whatever way you build your project.

###JavaScript Include lib/TypeKeyboard.js

new TypeKeyboard(container, map, [settings]);

var onInputCallback = (focused, value) => {
    var event = new Event('input', {bubbles: true});
var container = document.getElementById('calibration-keyboard');
var settings = {onInputCallback: onInputCallback};
var keyboard = new TypeKeyboard(container, TypeKeyboard.presets.numeric, settings);

Settings interface

export interface TypeKeyboardSettings {
    /* inputs selector */
    inputsSelector?: string,
    /* html tags to be used by keyboard elements */
    tag?: {
      button?: string,
      row?: string,
      item?: string
    specialKeyCaption?: {
        space?: string,
        backsp?: string,
        capslock?: string
    /* CSS classes applied to keyboard elements */
    cssClass?: {
        focus?: string,
        keyLine?: string,
        keyItem?: string,
        keyButton?: string,
        specialKey?: string
     * Callback called when input gained focus
    onFocusCallback?: (e: Event) => any,
     * Callback called when value of input changes
    onInputCallback?: (focused: HTMLInputElement, value: string) => any

Default presets

      numeric: [
          "7 8 9",
          "4 5 6",
          "1 2 3",
          "0 . {backsp}"
      querty: [
          '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = {backsp}',
          'q w e r t y u i o p [ ] \\',
          '{capslock} a s d f g h j k l ;',
          'z x c v b n m , . /',