
Utility scripts for releasing zotero plugins on github. See also https://github.com/retorquere/generator-zotero-plugin/

zotero-plugin-release will release your plugin as a github release. When it is ran on master, and it detects a tagged build on travis, it will issue a new release. When it is ran on a branch named gh-<number>, it will publish the plugin to a pre-release named builds, and will announce the new build on issue number <number> in your repo.

For this to work you must have a variable named GITHUB_TOKEN in your travis environment with a githun token with repo rights. You are allowed one bot account by github; I use this to do the announcements, but you can use one from your own account if you want.

The release script will create two releases if they don't exist; builds for temporary builds, mostly for debugging, and release for the update.rdf, which needs to be at a stable URL for plugin updates to work.

If you're doing a push on a branch named gh-<number> but you do not want the build to be announced, include #norelease in the commit message. If you want to announce on other issues in addition to the current branch (or maybe your branch isn't named gh-<number>, add #<number> to the commit message.

Release new versions by issuing npm version <major|minor|patch>.