Learn go
Write a webserver in Go:
a. Implement the following Apis:
- your webserver will download the WEB_ADDRESS http response and respond with number of milliseconds the request took.
- you should store per use statistics:
- how many requests for this user?
- how many requests succeeded/failed?
- total requests time (per success/fail)
- return statistics - number of successful and failed requests, avg req time.
- return statistics like above, ignore USER_NAME dimension (total stats of all users)
b. add a configurable rate limiter - X requests per minute is allowed
- please add to user stats also number of throttled (=not allowed) requests
Learn k8s
- k8s tutorial
- Deploy any k8s, you can use minikube on your laptop (or k3s, or kind..)
- helm tutorial
- create helm for your web server
- deploy your helm chart on minikube. Note that for high availability, we want at least two running instances of the web server (rate limiter is distinct for every instance)
- port-forward to your service running on k8s and make sure you can access service APIs (should you port-forward to pod? service?)
Learn Prometheus & Grafana ( we can help a bit here).
a. deploy prometheus and grafana to your cluster ( https://github.com/prometheus-community/helm-charts/tree/main/charts/kube-prometheus-stack)
b. Create a grafana dashboard
- Show how much memory / cpu does your service use.
c. expose number of success / failed requests per endpoint
- for this you should instrument your webserver with prometheus metrics
- add to your helm chart a servicemonitor resource (so prometheus can scrape your custom metrics)
- add graphs to the grafana dashboard above
- if below limit - fire request, otherwise skip and add to throttled
if counter[userID] >= limit {
throttled += 1
} else {
fire request
counter[userID] += 1
- counter = 0 after 1 minute
go func() {
defer { mutex.unlock }
counter[userID] = 0