
Service mesh distribution module

Primary LanguageElixirApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Hex Version Hex Docs

Service mesh distribution module.

MeshxNode implements custom carrier protocol for the Erlang distribution as module, designed to work with service mesh adapter implementing Meshx.ServiceMesh behavior.

Standard Erlang distribution depends on two components: Erlang Port Mapper Daemon (EPMD) and distribution module which by default is :inet_tcp_dist. Traffic generated by both components is unencrypted. Distribution module :inet_tcp_dist can be replaced with :inet_tls_dist offering TLS. There is no out-of-the-box solution to secure EPMD.

MeshxNode can be considered as alternative to EPMD and :inet_tcp_dist. MeshxNode by using service mesh provides following benefits:

  • automatic traffic encryption with service mesh data plane mTLS,
  • "node services" registration and management with external service mesh application control plane.

MeshxNode distribution module cannot be started during Beam VM boot process, iex command line arguments --name and --sname are not supported.


MeshxNode depends on service mesh adapter. Meshx is released with MeshxConsul service mesh adapter, required adapter configuration steps are described in package documentation.


Add :meshx_consul and :meshx_node to application dependencies:

# mix.exs
def deps do
    {:meshx_consul, "~> 0.1.0"},
    {:meshx_node, "~> 0.1.0"}


Start non-distributed node using MeshxNode as distribution module:

iex -pa _build/dev/lib/meshx_node/ebin --erl "-proto_dist Elixir.MeshxNode" -S mix

Used command arguments:

  • -pa - adds specified directory to the code path (dev environment path is used here),
  • -proto_dist - specifies custom distribution module (physical file name is: Elixir.MeshxNode_dist.beam).

Transform node into distributed using Node.start/3:

iex(1)> Node.start(:node1@myhost)
{:ok, #PID<0.248.0>}
# [node1@myhost][stdout]: ==> Consul Connect proxy starting...
# [node1@myhost][stdout]:     Configuration mode: Agent API
# [node1@myhost][stdout]:         Sidecar for ID: node1@myhost
# [node1@myhost][stdout]:     Proxy ID: node1@myhost-sidecar-proxy
# [node1@myhost][stdout]: ==> Log data will now stream in as it occurs:
iex(node1@myhost)3> Node.self()

Node.start/3 command starts "node service" using MeshxConsul.start/4. Lines marked with # are stdout output of command running sidecar proxy binary, by default Consul Connect proxy.

Using second terminal, start another node:

iex(1)> Node.start(:node2@myhost)
{:ok, #PID<0.258.0>}

Consul UI screenshot showing both "node services" registered: image

Use Consul UI to allow/deny connection between nodes with Consul intentions: image

MeshxNode is fully compatible with standard Erlang distribution. After connecting both nodes with Node.connect/1, one can for example spawn new process on remote node using Node.spawn/4. When connecting to other node MeshxConsul.connect/3 function is executed.

Other erl command line options that might be helpful:

  • -start_epmd false - do not start EPMD,
  • -kernel inet_dist_use_interface {127,0,0,1} - limit Erlang listen interface to loopback,
  • -connect_all false - do not maintain a fully connected network of distributed Erlang nodes,
  • -no_epmd - specifies that the distributed node does not need epmd at all (OTP24+).

Next section on hexdocs.pm: Configuration options.