
My precious shell configuration files

Primary LanguageShell


My precious shell configuration files. 😎


Dotfiles repository access

Set up your private key and configure write access to dotfiles repository (otherwise chezmoi init will fail).

Install required tools

sudo pacman -Syu zsh git


sudo apt install zsh git


sudo dnf install zsh git

Set zsh as active shell

chsh username

Install chezmoi

Install chezmoi by following their installation instruction (notice that if you are using their install script it installs itself in .bin)

Install additional scripts (including oh-my-zsh) and initalize chezmoi

curl -sfL https://git.io/JkIKE | sh

Make sure you have correct access rights to this repository.

Run chezmoi apply

chezmoi apply

[optional] Install shell tools with ansible


After next login everything should work.

Useful stuff

What's in there?