
Example project for C64 KickC

Primary LanguageC


Example rake project for KickC


        "key": "f6",
        "command": "command-runner.run",
        "args": { "command": "debug file" }
        "key": "f5",
        "command": "command-runner.run",
        "args": { "command": "run file" }
        "key": "f4",
        "command": "command-runner.run",
        "args": { "command": "run basic file" }
  • open project in vscode


*[main][~/c64_kickc]$ rake -T
rake clean                 # clean project
rake compile_all           # compile all src/*.(c|asm|bas) programs
rake compile_asm[program]  # assemble all (build|src)/*.s programs
rake compile_bas[program]  # convert all (src)/*.bas
rake compile_c[program]    # compile program
rake debug[program]        # compile & debug program
rake init_project          # initialize project (from level of kickc folder stored in kickc release)
rake list_programs         # list available programs
rake start[program]        # compile & run program
rake start_basic[program]  # convert & run basic program

Basic Build & Run in Vice

*[main][~/c64_kickc]$ rake

Basic Build & Run in C64Debugger

*[main][~/c64_kickc]$ rake debug

Build & Run Specific Prg in Vice

*[main][~/c64_kickc]$ rake start

Build & Run Specific Prg in C64Debugger

*[main][~/c64_kickc]$ rake debug PROGRAM=color_sprites_


Ultimate C64 Memory Map Basic Encoding with PETCOM