
A library that allows to use the Oculus Rift DK2, two Logitech C310 Webcams (with fisheye lenses) and the OptiTrack Flex 3 tracking system in AR applications.

Primary LanguageC++


OculusMeetsAR - Hardware Explosion

OculusMeetsAR is a library to use the Oculus Rift DK2 Head Mounted Display, two Logitech C310 Webcams (with fisheye lenses) and the Natural Point OptiTrack Flex 3 tracking hardware in Augmented Reality applications.

A few example videos:

OculusMeetsAR - Example video playlist

Please visit our wiki for documentation: https://github.com/ands/OculusMeetsAR/wiki

Project Files

  • ARLib: The OculusMeetsAR libraries. They can be used to create augmented reality applications with an Oculus Rift DK2, attached cameras and a tracking system. Also features OGRE integration.
  • ARLib_Samples: Two simple example applications that use ARLib with OGRE.
  • Hardware: Contains our camera calibration tool and 3D-Printable camera and lens mounts.
  • TrackingTestServer: A simple tracking system server that rotates a rigid body (to test ARLibTracking without a real setup).

Included Third Party Libraries

  • OGRE v1.9 with Bullet
  • LibOVR v0.4.3
  • NatNetSDK v2.7
  • TinyThread++ 1.1
  • OpenCV 2.4.10 (only for the calibration tool)


For Visual Studio 2010 with service pack 1 ONLY (if you want to use OGRE v1.9)!

  • Execute SET_ENV.bat to set environment variables for all libraries prior to building.
  • Open the ARLib solution file and batch build everything.
  • Open up the ARLib_Samples solution file and set the working directory for the example projects to "$(TargetDir)" (those are not saved in the Visual Studio project files - don't ask...).
  • Build and run the ARLib_Samples.
  • Enjoy.
  • $Profit.