Web Link View Flutter App

A simple Flutter web application to display a web link using a WebView widget.


Follow these steps to set up and run the project:

  1. Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/andsayem/webview_flutter
Navigate to the project directory:
Copy code
cd your-repo
Install the dependencies:
Copy code
flutter pub get
Run the app:
Copy code
flutter run -d web
The app should now be running in your web browser.

Change Logo
You can replace the app's logo by replacing the assets/logo.png file with your desired logo image. Ensure that your new image has the same file name.

Change Base URL
To change the base URL that the app displays, modify the webUrl variable in the lib/main.dart file with your desired URL:

Copy code
final String webUrl = "https://andsayem.com/";
When you are ready to release your Flutter app, follow the official Flutter documentation for Building and deploying a web application.