
Scripts to setup, execute and gather data for a distributed Gatling test

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Repeatable performance test

The project contains a set of Bash scripts to setup Gatling on remote hosts and to retrieve the results to create a global report. This guide describe how to set up the nodes and run the Gatling tests.

Test environment setup

The test is composed of a Logstash node that executes a simple HTTP input pipeline and a couple of other loader nodes. The loader nodes execute a predefined Gatling scenario to make requests at a steady rate against Logstash node.

Logstash node configuration

Install Logstash fromo tar.gz and configure it for monitoring:

Enable JMX monitoring of the Logstash instance

Edit the config/jvm.options to contain:



Open an SSH tunnel to remote access the JMX ports.

Open an SSH tunnel to the two interested ports (5555 and 5556), supposing the user testuser connecting to remote Logstash host

ssh -L 5555: -L 5556: testuser@

Discussed in https://dresselhaus.biz/connect-java-visualvm-or-jconsole-via-ssh-tunnel/

Configure Logstash pipeline and run

Use the following definition of a simple pipeline that just respond to HTTP and drop all events.

input {
  http {
    response_headers => {"Content-Type" => "application/json"}
    ecs_compatibility => disabled


filter {
  ruby {
    init => "Thread.new { loop { logger.info 'Direct mem: ' + Java::io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator::DEFAULT.metric.used_direct_memory.to_s + ' pinned: ' + Java::io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator::DEFAULT.pinned_direct_memory.to_s + ' - Heap mem: ' + Java::io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator::DEFAULT.metric.used_heap_memory.to_s + ' pinned: ' + Java::io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator::DEFAULT.pinned_heap_memory.to_s; sleep 5 } }"
    code => ""

output {
  sink {}

Run it with Logstash

bin/logstash -f /path/to/test_pipeline.conf

Connect with VisualVM creating a local connection to and check that monitoring data flow into the monitoring cluster.

Gatling loader nodes configuration

Open an SSH on each Gatling loader host, clone this reposiory, setup and run the test.

Clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/andsel/gatling_test.git

Setup Gatling test

Edit the BasicSimulation.java baseUrl("") to point to the Logstash host. Then executes the stup, which copies this file in the proper location inside local Gatling installation.

> cd gatling_test
gatling_test> ./setup.sh

Run the test

To run the simulation with Gatling:

gatling_test> test_run/gatling-charts-highcharts-bundle-3.10.5/bin/gatling.sh -nr -rm local -s BasicSimulation

Report creation

Once the simulation has terminated on all nodes, download the log files and create the report. To do this you need to clone the gatling_test on your host. Edit retrieve_data.sh to properly fill HOSTS eenvironment variable with the list of the Gatling loader hosts and USER_NAME. Then retrieve the data:


Then execute the report gerneration:

gatling_test> ../gatling_test/test_run/gatling-charts-highcharts-bundle-3.10.5/bin/gatling.sh -ro reports