Rails REST API for images


This is to build a REST API service to manage photos using Rails along ActiveStorage and ImageMagick.

It has GET and POST requests to retrieve a list of photos and to create a new post.

POST request will need to process the image with ImageMagick and save it with ActiveStorage.

The structure of a photo:

  • id: The unique ID of the photo.
  • caption: The caption for the photo.
  • image: The path to the actual image file.


POST /photos:

  • Accepts the following payload:
  "caption": "Winter",
  "image": <UploadedFile filename="winter.png">
  • The caption should be set
  • The caption should be no longer than 100 characters
  • The image file should be present
  • The image format should be either JPG or PNG
  • The image size should be less than 200 kilobytes
  • The server should return response code 422 if any of the above validations fail. Otherwise, in case of a successful request, the server should return 201.
  • Additionally, the image should be processed in the following way:
    • The filename of image must be changed to the id of the photo in the database. For example, "nature.jpg" should be renamed to "1.jpg" if the photo id in the database is 1.
    • The image should be resized so that it is precisely 300x300px.
  • The image should be stored and processed with ActiveStorage and ImageMagick.

GET /photos:

  • Returns all photos in the system ordered by id in JSON format.
  • The HTTP response code should be 200.

Sample requests and responses

POST /photos

Example request:

  "caption": "Winter",
  "avatar": <UploadedFile filename="winter.png">


  "id": 1,
  "caption": "Winter",
  "avatar": "/rails/active_storage/representations/I6IkJB...dCmH/1.png"

GET /photos


    "id": 1,
    "caption": "Winter",
    "avatar": "/rails/active_storage/representations/I6IkJB...dCmH/1.png"
    "id": 2,
    "caption": "Summer",
    "avatar": "/rails/active_storage/representations/eyJfFb...HMi/2.png"

Project Specifications

Read-Only Files

  • spec/*


  • Ruby version: 2.7.1
  • Rails version: 6.0.2
  • Default Port: 8000


  • run:
bin/bundle exec rails server --binding --port 8000
  • install:
bin/env_setup && source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm && rvm --default use 2.7.1 && bin/bundle install
  • test:
RAILS_ENV=test bin/rails db:migrate && RAILS_ENV=test bin/bundle exec rspec