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Cookies Demo Project



This is a quick demo project I made for the Cookies team to show my data engineering skills.

  • Data Ingestion
  • Data Visualization
  • Built With

    Special Thanks

    Thanks to Preset.io for providing a free hosted instance of Apache Superset and Cockroach Labs for providing a free hosted instance of CockroachDB to make the live version of this demo possible!

    Data Ingestion

    To show off data ingestion I have I have downloaded the Cookies store data from here and scraped some of the products from the cookies store website. Unfortunately, I could not find any sales data so I have randomly generates 100000 transactions worth of sales data. You can see the functions used to scrape and generate the data in etl/sales.py. The data is modelled using SQLModel. I have 4 tables in the database: stores, products, transactions, and line items(sales).

    Data Visualization

    To show off data visualization I have used a Superset dashboard to visualize the data. You can see the dashboard on Preset.io or here. In order to make some of the visualizations I normalized the data by joining the 4 tables together and saved that table as a virtual dataset in Superset.