
Stratum client implemented in Go (WIP)

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Stratum client implemented in Go (WIP) forked from https://github.com/gurupras/go-stratum-client
A huge thanks to gurupras for writing and releasing the original project

This is an extremely primitive stratum client implemented in Golang. Most of the code was implemented by going through the sources of cpuminer-multi and xmrig.

What can it do?

  • Connect to pool
  • Authenticate
  • Receive jobs
  • Submit results
  • Keepalive

How to use

To connect and authorize

import (

  stratum "github.com/andtheysay/go-stratum-client"

sc := stratum.New()

if err := sc.Connect(poolURL); err != nil {

if err := sc.Authorize(poolUsername, poolPassword); err != nil {

For a more complete example take a look at the go-cryptonight-miner repo, in particular xmrig_cpuminer.go


To run the tests create a test-config.yaml with the pool information


Then run the command

go test -run ''

To run a mock stratum server you can use the mock_server binary from the releases in this repo

First download the binary for your platform and give it the required permissions

wget https://github.com/andtheysay/go-stratum-client/releases/download/1.0/mock_server-linux-amd64
chmod +x mock_server-linux-amd64

Then run the mock server. You can specify which port to run on with the --port or -p flag

./mock_server-linux-amd64 --port=8888

What's pending

  • Full coverage of the stratum API
  • Provide an easier to understand example to showcase how to use the library

andtheysay's changes

  • Use go modules
  • Replace logrus with zap because I like zap more
  • Replace json with json-iterator to encode json quicker
  • Use andtheysay's fork of set. There are no functional changes, I just wanted to backup the repo because it is in archived mode
  • Updated the README to reflect my changes
  • Updated the README to explain how to use the library

Can I help?

Yes! Please send me PRs that can fix bugs, clean up the implementation and improve it.