
I want to start working on some sort of engine

Primary LanguageC#


I started working on this project once I started to get familiar and comfortable with the Unity platform. At the time I named the project blap as it was the first name that came to mind, oh the regret but I'm sticking with it. Currently the engine contains the following features

  • Debug console which can be used on device.
    • Easily add debug commands.
  • View management system.
    • Includes layer system.
    • Transitions views in and out when a new view will be occupying a layer.
  • Event dispatcher.
    • Easily create a global event dispatcher that uses C# events.
  • File system service.
    • Read and write files easily.
    • Uses TinyJSON to write objects to file and then generate them from file.
    • Easy to use API.
  • Web downloader to retrieve files from the internet.
    • Able to retry multiple times if a request fails. Uses exponential backoff when retrying a failed request.
    • Built in timeout handling.
  • Coroutine runner to allow non MonoBehaviour classes to run coroutines.


  • Update project to latest Unity 5.3 patch.
  • Update Facebook service to use latest SDK.
  • Create documentation for systems.
  • Create command system similar to Javascript's Promises.