
website for awesome conference scala.io

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Setting up your dev environment

  • Install vagrant (depends on virtualbox)
  • Clone this repository and checkout branch scalaio-2017
git clone -b  scalaio-2017 git@github.com:ScalaIO/scala.io_web_main.git
  • cd into the cloned repository
  • run
vagrant up
vagrant ssh

You should now have a VM with all the necessary tools* installed to generate the ScalaIO website

  • node, grunt,bower, ruby, bundler. In case something goes wrong, as long as you have those 6, running bower install and bundle install should install anything missing.

Working on scalaio's website

  • Ensure your vagrant image is up : vagrant up
  • Connect to your image : vagrant ssh
  • Go to the source : cd scalaio
  • Ensure you have the latest js dependencies: bower install
  • Build the website : grunt build
  • Start working on the website : grunt server (with livereload and fs monitoring)
  • Access the watched site from the host : 'http://localhost:4090'

Deploying the website

grunt prepublish to deploy to preprod.scala.io grunt publish to deploy to scala.io