LocalDev Starter Kit

What is this?

This is an opinionated starter kit for doing composer-based Drupal development with DDEV & VS Code. Main points:

  • ProjectName.code-workspace

    This is the settings for VS Code, featuring a multi-root workspace setup, some setting overrides, an xDebug listener, and a handful of recommended extensions

  • .ddev/config.yaml

    Default settings from DDEV, with pre-start, post-start, and post-db-import hooks

  • composer.json

    Default drupal/recommended-project composer template with additions

    • Added packages

      • cweagans/composer-patches to allow patch-handling in composer. Also added relevant composer config.
      • drush/drush:^10
    • Prevent Drupal scaffold from overwriting development.services.yml

    To apply patches to your project, add objects to the patches section of composer.json

    "patches": {
      "drupal/core": {
        "#issueid: Issue Title": "https://drupal.org/link/to/patch.patch",
        "#xxxxx: Other Issue Title": "https://drupal.org/link/to/otherpatch.patch"
      "drupal/package_name": {
        "#yyyyyy: Module Issue Title": "https://drupal.org/link/to/mod_patch.patch"
  • /web/sites/development.services.yml

    Add twig.config settings for local development. For this file to be useful, you'll need to create settings.local.php from example.settings.local.php and include that file from within your settings.php.

How do I use it?

This pro project is not intended to be something you should clone/fork and start working on drupal from. This is intended to be a reference source to set up your own local development environment and copy/paste useful parts from

  1. Have Composer, DDEV, VS Code installed
  2. Start a new Drupal project using the recommended-project template
  • D9: composer create-project drupal/recommended-project my-project
  • D8: composer create-project drupal/recommended-project:^8.0 my-project
  1. cd into your new project's directory and run ddev config. Follow the prompts.

  2. Copy ProjectName.code-workspace to your project root and rename however you like. Double-click the file and once the workspace loads, customize your folder paths, settings, and recommended extensions as needed.

You should/shouldn't do this, that, or the other thing.

I'm open to PRs, or fork this repo and customize your settings/extensions/etc.