An implementation in Rust/C++/MATLAB for article "A C-DBSCAN Algorithm for Determining Bus-Stop Locations Based on Taxi GPS Data"
C++ compile command: clang++ -std=c++20 -g -O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -Wall -fsanitize=address,undefined main.cpp
qsort.mex compile command clang -O3 -g -shared -o qsort.mexmaci64 -fPIC -lmx -Wall -std=c11 qsort.c
Wang, W., Tao, L., Gao, C., Wang, B., Yang, H., Zhang, Z. (2014). A C-DBSCAN Algorithm for Determining Bus-Stop Locations Based on Taxi GPS Data. In: Luo, X., Yu, J.X., Li, Z. (eds) Advanced Data Mining and Applications. ADMA 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 8933. Springer, Cham.
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