
Real estate online marketplace built with Ruby On Rails, Redux, and React.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


StockHome is an online marketplace inspired by RoofStock that allows users to browse, purchase, and bid on properties.



  • Ruby on Rails
  • PostgreSQL
  • React & Redux
  • Google Maps API
  • Amazon Storage (AWS S3) for image hosting
  • ReactCSSTrasitions


User Authorization

  • Users can create and sign up on platform.
  • Error handling and validations upon sign up.
  • Users who are logged in can favorite properties and make offers on them.


class SigninForm extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

      this.state = {
          password: '',
          confirm_password: '',
          lname: '',
          fname: '',
          phone_number: '',
          referral: '',
          fname_error: '',
          lname_error: '',
          email_error: '',
          password_error: '',
          confirm_password: '',

      this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this);
      this.renderSessionErrors = this.renderSessionErrors.bind(this);
      this.clearErrorsOnClick = this.clearErrorsOnClick.bind(this);
      this.setErrors = this.setErrors.bind(this)



Dynamic Search

  • Filtered property search which allows the user to query by price ranges, rent ranges, location, and other real estate property parameters.
  • Property search also allows user to sort by price, rent, gross yield, and real estate parameters.
  • Users will fetch properties from backend and have properties be stored on Redux Store.


def index

        case params[:primary_filter]

        when "all"
            property = Property.limit(20)
            @amount_of_properties = Property.count
        when "minimal_repairs"
            property = Property.where(minimal_repairs: true)
             @amount_of_properties = property.count
        when "higher_yield"
            property = Property.where('gross_yield > ?', 11.0)
             @amount_of_properties = property.count
        when "1_rule" 
            property = Property.where('rent / list_price <= 1.0')
             @amount_of_properties = property.count
        when "best_schools"
            property = Property.where('average_school_rating > 4.5')
             @amount_of_properties = property.count
        when "best_neighborhood"
            property = Property.where('neighborhood_rating > 4.5')
             @amount_of_properties = property.count
        when "higher_appreciation"
            property = Property.where('appreciation > 3.0')
            @amount_of_properties = property.count
            property = Property.limit(20)
            @amount_of_properties = Property.count



Google Maps API

  • Google Maps that is populated with results from search query.
  • Used Google Maps API fitBounds to adjust the size of the map for the user while browsing properties.


     renderMap() {

        let bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
        const mapOptions = {
            center: {
                lat: 59.3293,
                lng: 18.0686, 
            zoom: 13.2,

        let locations = this.props.properties
        this.map = new google.maps.Map(this.mapNode, mapOptions)

        if(locations.length > 0){
            let i = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) {

                let property = locations[i];
                let marker = new google.maps.Marker({
                    position: new google.maps.LatLng(locations[i].lat, locations[i].lng),
                    map: this.map,
                    mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN,
                marker.addListener('click', () => this.handleMarkerClick(property))


Add and delete properties to saves

  • Users will be able to add and delete properties from there saved roofs profile.
  • Leveraged useState, useEffect, and useRef from React Hooks library to store data on local React state and also to devise life cycle methods similar to componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate.


function Saved(props) {
   const [savedProperties, setProperties] = useState(props.saved);
   const mounted = useRef();

   useEffect(() => {
       if (!mounted.current) {
           mounted.current = true;
       } else {

Submit offers and make changes to offers on properties

  • User can offer and change offers on platform, implemented via CRUD model.
  • User will be sent out to checkout page with a custom progression bar where they can change offer, view finals details of offer, and be sent to there recently submitted offers page.
  • Offers will be validated on frontend using error handling logic and Regex, and also on backend using ActiveRecords validation method.


function isNumber(input = ''){

      if (input.match(".*[a-zA-Z]+.*")) {
        return false;

      let num = parseFloat(input.replace(/,/g, ''));

      if (isNaN(num)) {
        return false;
      } else {
        return true;


  • Utilized global redux state to dispatch modal action if user is not logged in and trying to access saves, offers, and cart actions.


    export const createSave = (propertyId) => (dispatch, getState) => {

        if (Object.keys(getState().session).length  === 0) {
            dispatch(openModal("signupModal", null))
        } else {
                .then(property => dispatch(addSave(property)))

