Create/Edit dungeons form the Legend of Zelda Project
- Go to the dungeon tab
- Make sure that the dungeon has a name specified
- With at least some(not necessarily all) alphanumeric characters
- Click the Save button
- Put file(.xml or .map) into the same directory as the jar
- Go to the the dungeon tab
- Enter file name in the "Name:" text field, with the extension
- e.g. "Test.xml" (without quotes)
- Click the Load button
- Starting items(in inventory)
- Player stats(health, mana, skills, descriptions, ...)
<dungeon name="..." version="...">
<item id="..." name="...">
<monster id="..." name="...">
<room id="...">
<connection direction="..." id="..." />
<item id="..." />
<monster id="..." />
- num items(int)
- num monsters(int)
- num rooms(int)
- list of longs, containing pointers to object locations(within the file)
- pointers: number of bytes from beginning of file(use seek)
- this is done by ids
- item with id 0 will be the first long
- 1 long per object
- 3 items, 2 monsters, 8 rooms: 13 longs(104 bytes + 12 bytes for count)
- name of map(UTF str)
- version of map(UTF str)
- map description(UTF str)
- credits(UTF str)
- item
- name of item(UTF str)
- flavour text/description(UTF str)
- monsters
- name of monster(UTF str)
- description of monster(UTF str)
- rooms
- description of room(UTF str)
- connections
- num connections(int)
- list of connections
- direction(UTF str)
- room id(int)
- items found
- num items(int)
- list of items
- item id(int)
- monsters found
- num monsters(int)
- list of monster
- monster id(int)