Brand Price Frontend

Table of Contents

Recommended IDE Setup

About this project

The project includes the following packages:

  • Vue - The Progressive JavaScript Framework
  • Vite - Next Generation Frontend Tooling
  • TypeScript - TypeScript extends JavaScript by adding types.
  • ESLint - Find and fix problems in your JavaScript code
  • Prettier - Opinionated Code Formatter


請先安裝好 Node.js 環境 & pnpm

$ git clone

Related Scripts

1. Enter the project folder

> Open a new terminal window and enter the folder
$ cd <project folder>

2. Install packages via npm

$ pnpm install

3. For development

$ pnpm dev

4. Fix the coding style automatically

$ pnpm lint

5. Build Project

$ pnpm build
/* output dir is dist*/

6. Deploy on the server

$ pnpm run deploy
