I felt like improving my Haskell and Idris, and learning Go
Some features/benefits
Easy interop with Go, as well as with C via cgo
UTF-8 support
Callbacks from Go (into Idris) support
With no tweaking yet, performance seems quite good -- almost as fast as C backend
Go compiles pretty fast, which is nice when using it for a language backend
Go has a reasonably-well-performing GC (which is continually being improved)
Go has built-in unicode support (used by this backend)
Go has standard lib big int support (used by this backend)
Go has nice reflection features (used by this backend, made things pretty easy)
No Go third-party libraries needed or used by this backend
Most of the official Idris tests run successfully -- see the Makefile
Some code examples
UTF-8 support, so this works and produces "βγδ" as output (the C backend doesn't yet)
module Main
greek: String
greek ="αβγδ"main:IO()
main =doputStrLn"Running Idris main"putStrLn$"Greek: "++ (strTail greek)
Calling a Go function via the FFI
module Main
%include go "fmt"goprint: String ->IO()
goprint s = mkForeign (FFun"fmt.Println(%0)" [FString] FUnit) s
main =do
goprint "Hello, world!"
Calling a C function via the FFI (via cgo)
module Main
%include go "// #include <stdio.h>"
%include go "C"c_putchar: Char ->IO Int
c_putchar c = mkForeign (FFun"C.putchar(C.int(%0))" [FChar] FInt) c
main =do_<- c_putchar('B')
_<- c_putchar('\n')