
Unmanned Aircraft Camera Module. University of Southampton, School of Electronics and Computer Science, ELEC6050 GDP Team 18.

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Unmanned Aircraft Camera Module

(Full specification including deliverables for this project is contained in documents/specification/Agreed_Spec_Gantt_GDP18.pdf)

Repository Structure:
- ArduinoCore: An Eclipse project that creates an Arduino library, allowing us to combine Arduino code with AVR C Source code.
- documents: Project Management foo, foo that requires submission (reports, presentations + whatnot), minutes of meetings, etc.
- eclipse:
    - CamPayloadCpp: source code for the payload controller firmware (not all ours)
        - mod: existing code from our customer
	- sanguino: code from the sanguino project (http://sanguino.cc)
	- SoftwareSerial - the SoftwareSerial library for Arduino/Sanguino (http://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/SoftwareSerial)
	- SD: the SD library for Arduino/Sanguino (http://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference)
    - progressiveJPEG2: our current work on progressive jpeg encoding/decoding
- ExtractorExecutable: final version of custom JPEG extractor code (from progressiveJPEG2)
- FinalReport: our final report. RC2 is the version as handed in. Includes a CD with this repository at revision b0a90776af
- gettingJPEGdataInC: reads data from the camera and inserts this into a table.
- jpegCheaderExtractor(_nonavr): our current work on progressive jpeg encoding/decoding
- jpeghuffman: generates a huffman tree from a given JPEG image.
- Matlab: Matlab code to test custom image compression methods.
- NCamGS: Code for our ground station image viewer (C#, Visual Studio 2010 project)
- programAVR: Slightly modified from sample_peripheral, code intended to be run on a DIP version of the ATmega168.
- progressiveJPEG2: our current work on progressive encoding/decoding
- sample_peripheral: Schematics and Code for a simple AVR-based peripheral for the autopilot module. Supplied by the customer.
- schematics: A full set of schematics, PCB layout and gerber files generated using gschem and PCB from the gEDA toolsuite. Run "$ gschem $NAME.sch 
- uCode: Arduino "sketch" code, written for an Arduino Uno, designed to communicate with our chosen camera, implementing the commands defined in the datasheet (linked to within documents/)
    - SPI_debugger: code for the SPI debugger, based on an example project in the Arduino IDE (http://www.arduino.cc)

This project also contains some code which we have not authored:
    - ArduinoCore (from http://www.arduino.cc)
    - eclipse/ArduinoCore (from http://www.arduino.cc)
    - eclipse/ArduinoBlinkTest_Template (from http://www.arduino.cc)
    - eclipse/CamPayloadArduino/SD (from http://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference)
    - eclipse/CamPayloadArduino/SoftwareSerial (from http://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/SoftwareSerial)
    - sample_peripheral - existing code, provided by our customer (see below)
    - programAVR - essentially contains the same as sample_peripheral, just in a AVR Studio 5 project.

A Group Design Project (ELEC6050) - School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton.

GDP Group 18 Members:
Andrew Busse <Andrew.Busse@zepler.net>
John Charlesworth <jgac1g08@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
Michael Hodgson <mh23g08@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
Paramithi Svastisinha <ps6g08@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
Piyabhum Sornpaisarn <ps26g08@ecs.soton.ac.uk>

Supervisor: Dr. Rob Maunder <rm@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
Customer: Dr. Matt Bennett <m.bennett@skycircuits.com>