
The example of ansible repository that utilize ansible-roles repo in best way.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

About project

This is the example of ansible repository that shows how to organize managing your hosts with Ansible in one Git repository, how to use Ansible Galaxy and how to utilize ansible-roles repository with some common roles.

System requirements

This version of playbooks and roles was last tested on:

Previous versions of Ansible and Ubuntu are not supported. If you interested in its support, please, provide patches.

Tip: Authentication with passphrase protected private-key require to enter passphrase for each server. You should execute following on the manager machine:

ssh-agent bash
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Then, execute playbooks.


  1. Install ansible on your manager machine:

     sudo aptitude install ansible
  2. Clone this repository and change working directory to this repository (all following commands assumes that your working directory is this cloned repository directory):

     git clone git@github.com:andyceo/ansible-example.git
     cd ansible-example
  3. If you cloned repository ansible-example without submodules, then execute following commands in root folder of ansible-example repository to install ansible-roles repository:

     git submodule init
     git submodule update
  4. Install andyceo roles from Ansible Galaxy:

     ansible-galaxy install -r roles.txt --force

Note that you can install particular role as git submodule:

    git submodule add -f git@github.com:andyceo/ansible-role-preconf.git roles/andyceo.preconf
  1. Add your target (remote) host name you want to operate with (for example, example) to inventory file: ansible/hosts or ansible/hosts.py (dynamic inventory)

  2. Add file with your desirable config to ansible/host_vars/example. Use ansible/host_vars/example as example

  3. Usage and runnig:

    • Ping hosts that match pattern *ampl* (host example will be pinged):

      ansible 'ampl' -i hosts.py -m ping

    • Simulate example.yml playbook execution on host example and show posible differences that will be made by ansible:

      ansible-playbook -K -k -v -i hosts -l example example.yml --check --diff

    • Execute playbook example.yml on host example with verbose and dump information, asking passwords for ssh and sudo:

      ansible-playbook -K -k -v -i hosts -l example example.yml

    • Execute playbook with dynamic inventory:

      ansible-playbook -K -k -v -i hosts.py -l example example.yml



This is cross-role variable, at least three roles use it: andyceo.apache, andyceo.nginx, andyceo.letsencrypt.

vhosts is a dict were key is a filename were virtual host configuration will be stored, and value (the dict), which represents basic virtual host configuration:


    enabled: yes
    name: www.example.com
      - example.com
    root: /var/www/example.com
    enabled: yes
    name: www.example.org
      - example.org
      - m.example.org
    root: /var/www/example.org

Also, each virtual host can have additional variables for andyceo.apache and andyceo.nginx roles.