Simple browser based defense game
The goal of this game is to protect the core. There are four shields floating around the core that can be rotated. Each shield is 90 degrees from the other.
- Getting the core hit will result in your health depleting. If you reach 0 health, you will lose
- Points can be gained by using your shield to block projectiles.
- When all projectiles are blocked, the round is over.
Player Movement
- W: ↑ Move player up
- S: ↓ Move player down
- A: ← Move player left
- D: → Move player right
Shield Rotations
- Left Arrow: ↺ Rotate shields left
- Right Arrow: ↻ Rotate shields right
- Up Arrow: ⤎ ⤏ Move shields away from core
- Down Arrow: ⤏ ⤎ Move shields towards core
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- p5.js,, Axios