
Splunk Deployed as a Kubernetes Application

Primary LanguagePython



  • Master (Deployment)

    • splunk-master
    • config-backup
  • Indexer (StatefulSet)

    • splunk-indexer
    • TODO index-backup


  • Master (LoadBalancer) -> Master Pod

    • Exposes Master Pod via external LB
  • HttpCollectors (LoadBalancer) -> Indexer Pods

    • Exposes Indexer/HttpCollector Replica Pods via external LB
  • Indexers (Headless) -> Indexer Pods

    • Headless Service to provide DNS service discovery for Indexer replica pods

Initial Setup

1. Create ConfigMaps

Create ConfigMaps containing bootstrap config for the various Splunk instance roles.

$ kc create configmap master-boot-config --from-file=master.conf
$ kc create configmap indexer-boot-config --from-file=indexer.conf

2. Create Secrets

Create the Secret volume containing AWS Credentials needed to push config backups to S3. credentials should be an AWS credentials file, such as ~/.aws/credentials.

$ cp ~/.aws/credentials .
$ kc create secret generic credentials --from-file=./credentials

3. Create Master

Configure Config Backup/Restore variables


Create the Splunk Cluster Master/Search Head

$ kc create -f master-service.yaml -f master-deployment.yaml

4. Create Indexers

Create the StatefulSet and Services needed to manage the Indexer cluster.

$ kc create -f indexer-discovery-service.yaml -f indexer-lb-service.yaml -f indexer-deployment.yaml

5. Get Master URL

That's it. You now have a fully functional Splunk cluster. Find the URL with which to access the search head.

$ kc describe service master | grep "LoadBalancer Ingress"
LoadBalancer Ingress:	**************.us-****-*.elb.amazonaws.com




kc create configmap indexer-boot-config --from-file=indexer.conf


kc create configmap indexer-boot-config --from-file=indexer.conf --dry-run -o yaml | kc replace configmap indexer-boot-config -f -



# AWS Credentials needed for pushing config backups to s3
kc create secret generic credentials --from-file=./credentials


# AWS Credentials needed for pushing config backups to s3
kc create secret generic credentials --from-file=credentials --dry-run -o yaml | kc replace secret credentials -f -