Server-Side Calculator Application: An Intuitive and Feature-Rich Tool

Description: Developed a full-stack server-side calculator application that allows users to perform basic arithmetic operations, store a history of calculations, and manage previous results. The application boasts an intuitive user interface that closely mirrors the look and feel of a physical calculator, ensuring seamless user experience.

Key Features:

User Interface: Implemented an interactive user interface consisting of two input elements for users to enter numerical values and a dropdown menu for selecting the desired arithmetic operation. Enhanced the interface with a 'C' button to clear user input fields, and a submit button to initiate the calculation.

Server-Side Logic: Developed robust server-side logic to handle Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division operations. Utilized POST requests to send input data to the server and GET requests to fetch the results after performing the calculations.

Calculation History: Incorporated the functionality to store a history of all calculations and their respective results on the server. Enabled users to view the history on the application interface using a GET request on page load, with automatic updates upon new calculations.

Data Integrity: Ensured data integrity by validating user input before sending it to the server. Implemented an alert system to notify users if they have left any input fields empty, preventing incomplete or incorrect data from being sent to the server.

History Management: Integrated a DELETE request functionality to allow users to clear the history of calculations. Users can click a dedicated button to remove all history data from the server.

Re-Run Calculation: Implemented a feature that enables users to re-run a calculation from the history list by clicking on the desired entry. The result is then displayed on the calculator interface as if it was a new calculation.

This server-side calculator application showcases strong full-stack development skills, with an emphasis on server-side logic, user experience, and efficient data management.