- W01D04 - Callbacks!
- BREAKOUT - Callbacks
- W02D02 - Asynchronous Control Flow
- BREAKOUT - Async Control Flow
- W02D04 - Promises
- W03D02 - CRUD with Express
- W03D04 - Security & Real World HTTP Servers
- W04D02 - Client Side JavaScript & jQuery
- W04D04 - Responsive Design and SASS
- W05D02 - Database Design
- BREAKOUT - Team Git Workflow
- W05D05 - Mid-term Project Kickoff
- BREAKOUT - Express Router
- W07D03 - Immutable Update Patterns
- W07D04 - React Developer Workflow
- W08D01 - React Review
- W08D02 - Class-based Components
- W08D04 - End-to-End Testing with Cypress
- BREAKOUT - Project Planning
- W08D05 - Intro to Ruby
- BREAKOUT - AI Pair Programming
- W10D02 - Intro to TypeScript
- BREAKOUT - React Router