
Lecture notes and application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

W04D02 SQL from our Apps

To Do

  • Create a database and query it using psql terminal
  • Perform BREAD actions on database from command line
  • Perform BREAD actions on database from the browser

Getting Started

  • Clone the repo locally
  • Run npm install or yarn install to install Node packages
  • Log into psql and create a database called villains (you can edit the name in /data-helpers/db.js if you need to)
  • Use \i command to "include" the villains.sql file from the sql directory
  • Create a new user villains_user and give them appropriate permissions and a password
CREATE USER villains_user;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLE villains TO villains_user;
ALTER USER villains_user WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'password';
  • Run the server with node server.js and visit localhost:3000/villains in your browser


We are going to use node-postgres (pg) node package to interact with our database.

In order to connect with our database, we pass configuration options to the pg client:

const pg = require('pg');

const config = {
    user: '<user name>',
    password: '<password>',
    database: '<db>',
    host: '<host>'

const client = new pg.Client(config);

Then we tell our client to connect to the database and we execute queries using the client:

client.query('SELECT * FROM <table>', (err, result) => console.log(err, result));

NOTE: pg uses "error first" callbacks meaning that the first argument will always be the error (if any) or null and the second argument will be the return value from our query.

SQL Syntax Review


SELECT * FROM <table>;


SELECT * FROM <table> WHERE id = <id>;


UPDATE <table> SET <column> = <value> WHERE id = <id>;


INSERT INTO <table> (<column1>, <column2>) VALUES (<value1>, <value2>);


DELETE FROM <table> WHERE id = <id>;


We always want to sanitize any user-defined parameters in our SQL before running the query to prevent possible SQL injections.

In pg, we use prepared statements and pass an array of values as the second argument to client.query():

client.query('SELECT * FROM <table> WHERE id = $1', [<id>], (err, result) => console.log(err, result));

In the above example, the id from the array will be interpolated into the SQL query wherever $1 appears.

Useful Links

Inspired by Sadie Freeman's lecture on the same topic