
Getting Started With Gatsby

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Master Gatsby

Netlify Status

Based on a Premium JavaScript + CSS Training Course from Wes Bos. You can grab the course at MasterGatsby.com.


  1. Gatsby by default uses module.exports = { commonJS syntax node typically in the gatsby documentation and we want to use ES6 modules export default {. So that we can use es modules this project we use a package called esm. - to enable within the package.json we can add NODE_OPTIONS="-r esm" in front of gatsby build. The cross-env package is there for windows users.
  2. Page Queries (ie Dynamic) / Static Queries - Query outside of a page - ie ina function queries that do not take variables (gatsby limitation)
  3. To expose environments variable to the front end of your gatsby build they need to be prefixed with GATSBY_
  4. Nested chaining example to check for Items - {pizza.image?.asset?.fluid?.src} example in gatsby/src/templates/Pizza.js

Running the Project

  1. Check out the project
  2. From within gatsby run npm run start
  3. from within sanity run npm run start