Music Performer

Dec 13, 2018

AI Composer作曲

The goal of AI Composer is to build machines that can compose new music. In particular, an AI Composer creates music in the so-called "symbolic" domain, in formats such as melody lines, lead sheets, or multitrack pianorolls (similar to MIDIs). The generation of such musical scores could be either unconditioned (from random seeds) or conditioned (e.g. given a prime melody, given a chord sequence, given the lyrics, given some tags such as genre or emotion tags, or given an image or a video sequence). We hope that our AI Composer models can help musicians or music lovers create music in an interactive way.

AI Composer 的目标是构建可以创作新音乐的机器。 特别是,AI 作曲家在所谓的“符号”域中以旋律线、主奏曲或多轨钢琴卷(类似于 MIDI)等格式创作音乐。 这种乐谱的生成可以是无条件的(来自随机种子)或有条件的(例如,给定主旋律,给定和弦序列,给定歌词,给定一些标签,如流派或情感标签,或给定图像或视频顺序)。 我们希望我们的 AI Composer 模型可以帮助音乐家或音乐爱好者以互动的方式创作音乐。

AI Performer演奏

Music creation is typically composed of two parts: composing the musical score, and then performing the score (with certain instruments) to make sounds. The musical score mainly specify what notes to be played, but usually not how to play them. Musicians leverages this freedom to interpret the score and add expressiveness in their own ways, to “bring the music to life”. Accordingly, in addition to AI Composer models that deal with symbolic-domain music generation, we need AI Composer models to deal with audio-domain music generation and create musical audio from scores.

音乐创作通常由两部分组成:创作乐谱,然后演奏乐谱(使用某些乐器)以发出声音。 乐谱主要指定要播放哪些音符,但通常不指定如何播放它们。 音乐家利用这种自由来解释乐谱并以自己的方式增加表现力,以“将音乐带入生活”。 因此,除了处理符号域音乐生成的 AI Composer 模型外,我们还需要 AI Composer 模型来处理音频域音乐生成并根据乐谱创建音乐音频。


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