Rails 7 app for keeping track of your skills in various areas. Think of it as a personal database of the things you know that you don't want to forget. Potential uses in organisations for keeping staff up-to-date with their knowledge and finding out what needs to be practiced.
Uses Tailwind CSS with Flowbite and Stimulus for JavaScript.
To get started with the app, clone the repo and then install the needed gems:
$ bundle install --without production
Next, migrate the database:
$ rails db:migrate
Finally, run the test suite to verify that everything is working correctly:
$ rails test
If the test suite passes, you'll be ready to run the app in a local server:
$ rails server
Start the dev server to keep Tailwind settings up to date:
$ ./bin/dev
If you get this error message:
psql: error: connection to server on socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432" failed: No such file or directory
you can try this:
$ rm /usr/local/var/postgres/postmaster.pid
$ brew services restart postgresql
$ pg_dump -U andy skylz_development > skylz_development_backup-DATE.sql
# ChatGPT suggests:
# $ pg_dump -Fc --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U <user> skylz_development > latest.dump
$ rails db:drop
$ rails db:create
$ heroku pg:backups:capture --app skylz
$ heroku pg:backups:download --app skylz
and to restore:
$ pg_restore -d skylz_development latest.dump
maybe try this:
$ pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U <user> -d skylz_development latest.dump