
This demo is a React Redux application that provides a sortable, filterable list of vehicles, along with a detailed view.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This demo is a React Redux application that provides a sortable, filterable list of vehicles, along with a detailed view.


  • Ability to sort and filter a list of vehicles, as well as access a detailed view.
  • Maintains application state across page routes
  • Has a basic UI built using React Material-UI components

Why Did I Build This?

This app was built to demonstrate an understanding of best practices relating to:

  • How to use React’s state and props
  • The React Redux lifecycles
  • ES6 Javascript
  • Implementing Material-UI components
  • The react-router library
  • Testing with the Jest framework


This project template was built with Create React App, which provides a simple way to start React projects with no build configuration needed.


This project is licensed under the MIT license, Copyright (c) 2018 Andy Frith.