
Given a latitude and longitude, order the most recent earthquakes by distance.


My goal here was to illustrate competence in several Elixir paradigms.

  • OTP including supervisors
  • Functional programming and use of Enum
  • Clean code

Tradeoffs and considerations

In a production app, I would use postgres for persistance and the PostGIS extension to efficiently do the distance calculations. I would however keep the GenServer as a cache.

Getting started

Run these commands:

  • mix deps.get
  • iex -S mix
  • Earthquakes.EarthquakeServer.list_all 40.7484, 73.9857

NOTE: The params are the latitude and longitude of the empire state building and can be changed to any coordinates. WARNING: The app may not work if the API has a malformatted response. I did not want to experience scope creep in this coding sample. I added the video above as a proof-of-concept.

Thank you

Thanks for taking the time to review this code. If there are any questions please email me or call me any time to discuss them.