
Utilities for testing `.equals()`, `.compareTo()` and `Comparator` Java/Kotlin contracts. Also FakeHttp(Request|Response)

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Utilities for testing common Java/Kotlin contracts. Currently: equals(), hashCode(), and compareTo(). I find a bug almost every time I apply these tests to old code. Usage is defined in the Javadocs.

The idea of contract-based testing was from watching Bill Venners: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCTZQi2dpl8 Any bugs are my own.

This project also includes fake Http servlet requests/responses useful for end-to-end testing java servlets.

Maven Dependency

Maven Central javadoc

Note that this project is just for testing, so add it only to the test scope of your project:


Usage: Equality

import static org.organicdesign.testUtils.EqualsContract.equalsDistinctHashCode;
import static org.organicdesign.testUtils.EqualsContract.equalsSameHashCode;

public class PaddingTest {
    @Test public void equalHashTest() {
        // Test padding-top different

        // Test transposed padding-right and padding-bottom are different (but have same hashcode)
        equalsSameHashCode(Padding.of(3, 5, 7, 1.1f),
                           Padding.of(3, 5, 7, 1.1f),
                           Padding.of(3, 5, 7, 1.1f),
                           Padding.of(3, 7, 5, 1.1f));

        // Padding values that differ by less than 0.1f have the same hashcode
        // but are not equal.  Prove it (also tests when padding-left is different):
                           Padding.of(1, 1, 1, 1),
                           Padding.of(1, 1, 1, 1.0001f));

The above is a suitable test for the class com.planbase.pdf.layoutmanager.Padding

  • All four arguments must be distinct objects (not pointers to the same object in memory)
  • The first three arguments must equal each other (and therefore must have the same hashCode), but must not equal the fourth argument.
  • When possible/practical, use a fourth object with a different hashCode
  • When practical, it's a good idea to also find and test an unequal fourth object with the same hashCode
  • Think about the most different ways you can construct objects for the first three arguments. The above example is a little weak in that regard because there just aren't many legal ways to construct Padding (good for Padding!).

Usage: FakeHttpServletRequest/Response

import com.goalqpc.memJogLib.servlet.MjlServletHandler.handle
import com.nhaarman.mockitokotlin2.mock
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request
import org.organicdesign.testUtils.http.FakeHttpServletResponse
import org.organicdesign.testUtils.http.ReqB
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
import kotlin.test.assertNull
import kotlin.test.assertTrue

class ServletHandlerTest {

    fun testFavicon() {
        // ReqB uses a fluent interface to build FakeHttpServletRequests
        val httpReq = ReqB().uri("/favicon.ico").toReq()
        // FakeHttpServletResponse generally needs no initialization
        val resp = FakeHttpServletResponse()
        // Using mokito for the request we don't need to inspect later
        val mockBaseReq: Request = mock { }

        // Send fake request and response to servlet handler
        handle("", mockBaseReq, httpReq, resp)

        // After handling a request, first check for proper response code
        assertEquals(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, resp.status)
        // No redirect
        // Correct content type
        assertEquals("image/x-icon", resp.contentType)
        // Query headers
        val headers: Collection<String> = resp.getHeaders("Cache-Control")

        // Great debugging printout if you want that.
        // println(httpReq.indentedStr(0))
        // println(resp.indentedStr(0))
        // println((resp.outputStream as FakeServletOutputStream)
        //         .indentedStr(0))

It's easy to test the response body too:

assertTrue(resp.outputStream.toString().contains("@media only screen"))


To build locally (in an appropriate folder), you need Java 8+, gradle, and git installed. Then:

git clone https://github.com/GlenKPeterson/TestUtils.git
gradle clean assemble publishToMavenLocal

Change Log

2.0.3 2022-03-18 "Removed slf4j"

  • Also removed debugging println statements.

2.0.2 2022-03-18 "Bumped dependencies"

  • Upgraded Jetty-http to 11.0.8

2.0.1 2022-01-05 "jakarta.servlet-api:5.0.0"

ACTION REQUIRED: Audit anywhere you use fileItem.getName() (or .name in Kotlin)! That was the uploaded file name in apache-commons.fileupload, but it's the HTML Form Input Field Name in the new servlet spec. Find one usage, click on it, and invoke "Find all usages" in your editor. Then replace it with .getSubmittedFileName()

  • Updated from javax.servlet api 4 to jakarta 5.
  • Now includes jetty-http in build because the file-upload processing was way too complicated to duplicate here. Also cut and pasted two classes and a few methods from jetty-server.
  • No longer includes Junit in build. Throws AssertionErrors instead of calling JUnit.assertEqual().
  • Internally uses Junit 5.

1.0.6 2021-12-27 "Bumped versions"

  • Updated dependencies

1.0.5 2021-09-20 "Bumped versions"

  • Updated dependencies

1.0.4 2021-09-17 "Fix CVE-2020-15250"

  • Added dependency to junit 4.13.2 because the one packaged with kotlin-test is currently vulnerable to CVE-2020-15250

1.0.3 2021-09-14 "bump"

  • Bumped dependency versions.

1.0.2 2020-12-16 "differentMiddle"

  • Added StringDiff.differentMiddle()
  • Made FakeHttpServletResponse.getOutputStream() return a FakeServletOutputStream instead of OutputStream, so you can access .stringWriter to call .toString() on it.
  • Bumped dependency versions.

1.0.1 2020-10-16 "Kotlin type signatures"

  • Converted the various contract tests (Equals, Comparator, and Comparable) to Kotlin in order to simplify the type signatures.
  • Renamed CompareToContract to ComparableContract

Upgrade Instructions: Replace all words: CompareToContract with ComparableContract

1.0.0 2020-10-08 "1.0"

  • Added more @NotNull annotations and did a tiny bit of cleanup.
  • I've been using this for years. It's 1.0 quality, so I'm calling it 1.0.

0.0.20 2020-10-07 "CompareToContract Signature"

  • This fixes a longstanding bug (and/or maybe a new Kotlin incompatibility) in the generic type signature of CompareToContract.testCompareTo(). It hasn't caused a problem (yet) in Java, but Kotlin 1.4.10 likes the new version much better.

0.0.19 2020-10-06

  • Bumped dependency versions

0.0.18 2020-08-20

  • Updated to Kotlin 1.4.0 and Dokka 1.4.0-rc which gives us real javadoc now.
  • Changed repository name to remove redundant '.testUtils'

Note: Version 0.0.17 lacked Javadoc

0.0.16 2020-05-18

  • Allow any RuntimeException to be thrown by comparator.compare(item, null). Previously we had allowed NullPointerException and IllegalArgumentException. Kotlin throws IllegalStateException. Really any kind of RuntimeException is adequate.
  • Upgraded Kotlin

Note: Version 0.0.15 was a fluke - failed strangely in the Sonatype release process, so just re-released as .16.

0.0.14 2020-04-02
  • Updated all dependencies.
  • Upgraded Gradle to 6.3 and switched to .kts gradle file format.
0.0.13 2019-05-24

Updated all dependencies.

0.0.12 2019-04-29

Implemented FakeHttpServletResponse.bufferSize

0.0.11 2019-04-05 Added CookiePrinter class for showing HTTP cookies.


  • Moved Kv out to top-level class (was inside FakeHttpServletRequest)
  • Added .indentedStr() and .toString() implementations
  • Upgraded Indented dependency.
  • Reorganized FakeHttp... classes to put accessor methods next to the fields they are related to. This also puts unimplemented methods at the bottom.
  • Test coverage at 85% by line


  • Implemented more methods in FakeHttpServletResponse


  • Renamed TestHttpServletRequest/Response to FakeHttpServlet... and put them in an HTTP sub-package.
  • Added ReqB as a FakeHttpServletRequestBuilder.
  • Made FakeHttpServletRequest.getRemoteAddr() not null and used "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1" (IP-V8 localhost) as the default value. Implemented .locale. Might have implemented or fixed implementations of other methods.
  • Added tests for CompareToContract and Serialization
  • Updated dependencies.

0.0.7 Added HttpServletRequest mock

0.0.6 Added ComparatorContract test and Serialization helper function.

0.0.5 Allow compareTo(null) to throw either a NullPointerException or an IllegalArgumentException

0.0.4 Fixed variance on CompareToContract.testCompareTo()

0.0.3-SNAPSHOT Added/updated JavaDocs.


Copyright 2015 Glen Peterson and PlanBase Inc.

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0: https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 or the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0: https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0

SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR EPL-2.0