
source code published with the 2nd edition

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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      AspectJ in Action: Enterprise AOP with Spring Applications
	<a href="http://www.manning.com/laddad2/">AspectJ in Action, Second Edition</a>
	<p>by <a href="http://ramnivas.com">Ramnivas Laddad</a></p>
	<div class="content">
      What's included
      <li>Code for all chapters along with build scripts.
      <li>Parent pom.xml files and a shared CommonPointcuts project.
      All build scripts are optimized for simplicity of distribution (for
      example, the top-most parent POM declares dependencies for all projects 
	  even though not all projects need all dependencies).
        Getting support
        While a lot of care has been put into preparing the source packages,
        you may encounter issues that are most likely related to either your
        platform or the version of tools you use. In most cases, you will be able
		to resolve issues by examining the failure and adjusting your environment.
		However, if you get stuck, the best way to resolve such a problem is by visiting the 
		<a href="http://www.manning-sandbox.com/forum.jspa?forumID=413">book's
        forum</a>. You can search if the problem you encountered has been already
		posted and resolved. If not, you can post a new message. 
		<b>Please use this forum to post questions directly
        related to the book and book's source code only.</b>
        For general AspectJ questions, the best place to visit is <a href=
        Mailing List</a>.
        For general Spring AOP questions, the best place to visit is <a href=
        "http://forum.springsource.org/forumdisplay.php?f=31">Spring's AOP
        <b>Any suggestions to improve the user experience are welcome.</b>
    </h2>The specified version for each component represents the tested
    version; a higher version may work as well.
        <a href="http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp">Java SE Development Kit (JDK) 5 or 6</a>
        <a href="http://maven.apache.org/download.html">Maven 2.2.0</a>
        <span class="warning">(Important: Lower versions of Maven may not work
        with some of the projects.)</span>
        <a href="http://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi">Ant 1.7.1</a> (Optional
        for Maven users)
        <a href="http://eclipse.org/aspectj">AspectJ 1.6.5</a>
		I assume that you have set your PATH environment variable to include JDK, AspectJ 
		Maven, and Ant binaries.
      <li>From the top-level directory (where this HTML file resides), type the
      following command:
          For Windows
        <p class="code">
			&gt; install.bat                
          For Unix systems including Mac OS X
        <p class="code">
			$ ./install.sh             
		This will install the parent POMs and common projects to the local Maven
      <li>(Optional for Maven users) Modify build.properties in the top-level
      directory to point to the AspectJ home directory
      <li>(Optional for Maven and Ant users) Modify (depending on your
			platform) setHomes.bat or setHomes.sh to match your environment.
    <h2>Running from shell</h2>
		For each section, you will find run.bat/run.sh or multiple
		run*.bat/run*.sh scripts. Each of these scripts execute appropriate Maven goals, 
		Ant targets, or shell commands and, in some cases, perform needed setup.
		Each run*.bat and run*.sh script, in most cases, is a simple wrapper around 'mvn' 
		(and in some chapters, 'ant'). 
		These shell scripts are provided for convenience that show the expected commands 
		matching the text in the book. You may directly execute 'mvn' if you so choose.
		<p class="warning">
		Note: You must execute install.bat or install.sh (which will require you to install Maven) 
		before you can successfully execute these commands (even those that don't use Maven)
			Maven stack traces often take a bit of careful reading to understand the real error.
			For example, in Section5.6SofteningCheckedException, you will need to observe the
			stack trace carefully to see that the real reason is 
			org.aspectj.lang.SoftException, which correctly illustrates the example in the book.
      Setting up Eclipse
      The Eclipse distribution available with <a href=
      "http://www.springsource.com/products/sts">SpringSource Tools Suite</a>
      is <em>highly</em> recommended, since it comes preconfigured with all
      required plugins.
      Alternatively, you may install <a href=
      "http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/">Eclipse 3.5 (Java EE edition)</a>
      followed by installation of the <a href=
      "http://m2eclipse.codehaus.org/">m2Eclipse</a>, <a href=
      "http://eclipse.org/ajdt">AJDT</a>, and <a href=
      "http://springide.org">Spring IDE</a> plugin.
      Each chapter is packaged in Eclipse workspace style (but without the
      workspace metadata). For example, for chapter 3, you will find the
      ch03/workspace directory. For each chapter that you want to try, follow these steps
	  (You will need to perform this step only once for each chapter):
		Start STS or Eclipse. When prompted for the workspace, point to the 'workspace' 
		directory of the chapter. 
		<img src="images/launch.png"/>
		Import the existing projects by invoking 
			<img src="images/import.png"/>
			In the dialog box that
			appears, choose General/Existing Projects into Workspace 
			<span class="warning">(Warning: Do not choose Maven Projects.)</span> 
			<img src="images/import-projects.png"/>
		You may get a prompt to enable AJDT weaving, choose "Yes" and let Eclipse restart. 
		This will happen only once per installation of Eclipse.
		Let the workspace refresh complete... now you know what to do!
		<img src="images/projects.png"/>
		You need to launch a few applications using the load-time weaver. 
		Look for a file with .launch extension (such as LoadTimeWeaver.lauch in chapter 2)	
		in Eclipse package explorer. You can launch such a file through "Run As" menu.
		<p class="warning">If a launch file is provided, executing the driver or tests
		without it will likely result in unexpected output or test failures.</p>
      Known issues
      <li>Although each project is Maven enabled, importing it as Maven Project
      leads to unexpected issues.
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