Create a graphical interface for users to play a game of Battleships.
Battleships is a tactical game where each player has a 10x10 two dimensional grid board upon which they can place a number of ships of varying sizes. The players take it in turns to call a grid reference with the aim of striking a hit on one of their opponent's ships. The winner is the first to sink their opponent's entire fleet.
- Sinatra (software web application framework and domain-specific language written in Ruby)
- RSpec (Behaviour Driven Development for Ruby)
- Capybara (test web applications by simulating how a real user would interact with your app)
- Cucumber (software tool that computer programmers use for testing other software; runs automated acceptance tests written in a behaviour-driven development (BDD) style; written in the Ruby programming language)
- Add below to
and then run$ bundle
source ''
gem 'sinatra'
Create new file controller.rb
and add:
require 'sinatra'
get '/' do
Enter $ ruby controller.rb
and visit http://localhost:4567
to see text displayed on screen
Add another page to controller.rb
get '/secret' do
'This is a secret page'
Visit http://localhost:4567/secret
(having first shut down server (Crtl-C
) and restarted: $ ruby controller.rb
) to see new page
To prevent server restart for each page change, install gem called Shotgun (in Gemfile
add: gem 'shotgun'
and run bundle
Load app using Shotgun (specifying port with -p
switch to keep consistent with Sinatra (4567) as Shotgun's default port is 9393):
$ shotgun controller.rb -p 4567
In root, create views/index.erb
, adding:
<div style='border: 3px dashed red'>
My name is <%= @name %>
<img src=''>
Change controller.rb
to point towards this new file:
get '/' do
@name = %w(Amigo Oscar Viking).sample
erb :index
get '/hello' do
@visitor = params[:name]
erb :index
<div style='border: 3px dashed red'>
<% if @visitor %>
Hello, <%= @visitor %>!
<% end %>
<% if @name %>
My name is <%= @name %>
<% end %>
<img src=''>
Visit http://localhost:4567/hello?name=Andy
to see the welcome message
<div style='border: 3px dashed red'>
<% if @visitor %>
Hello, <%= @visitor %>!
<% else %>
<form action="/hello">
My name is <%= @name %>.
What's your name?
<input type="text" name="name">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
<% end %>
<img src=''>
Place image file in public/images/kitten.png
(Sinatra treats everything located inside public folder as available via URLs) and then call the local file as below rather than calling on a URL
<img src='/images/kitten.png'>
- In root directory:
$ ruby ./lib/battleships_web.rb
- In
add below then runbundle
gem 'capybara'
Add to spec_helper.rb
: require 'capybara/rspec'
feature 'Home Page' do
scenario 'view the welcome message' do
visit '/'
expect(page).to have_content('Welcome!')
Run tests: $ rspec
- Add to
require 'capybara/cucumber' = MyRackApp
Capybara DSL can then be utilised in web_steps.rb
When /I sign in/ do
within("#session") do
fill_in 'Email', :with => ''
fill_in 'Password', :with => 'password'
click_button 'Sign in'
Run tests: $ cucumber
As a player
So that I can prepare for the game
I would like to place a ship in a board location
As a player
So that I can play a more interesting game
I would like to have a range of ship sizes to choose from
As a player
So that I can create a layout of ships to fox my opponent
I would like to be able to choose the directions my ships face in
As a player
So that I can have a coherent game
I would like ships to be constrained to be on the board
As a player
So that I can have a coherent game
I would like ships to be constrained not to overlap
As a player
So that I can win the game
I would like to be able to fire at my opponents board
As a player
So that I can refine my strategy
I would like to know when I have sunk an opponent's ship
As a player
So that I know when to finish playing
I would like to know when I have won or lost
As a player
So that I can consider my next shot
I would like an overview of my hits and misses so far
As a player
So that I can play against a human opponent
I would like to play a two-player game
- Server for game be run using
$ shotgun -p 4567
(although$ shotgun
alone will work but will use port 9393), however sessions do not work when using shotgun - to be resolved - Allow for a one-player game (vs. computer) and a two player game to be played on separate browsers
- Placing ships on the board, inc. error handling for illegal positions (off the board/overlapping with other ships)) / placing the selection of five ships (choosing which ship to place with selection decreasing after each ship is positioned)
- Notification of when individual ships have been sunk, i.e. You sunk my battleship!
- Further testing...
Makers Academy: Playing Battleships in the browser